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dc.contributor.authorБочковий, О.В.-
dc.contributor.authorBochkovy, O.-
dc.identifier.otherУДК 343.1:351.74./76:304.9-
dc.descriptionThe article deals with the technology of blockchaine and possibilities of its use for the regulation of social relations. The use of such technology will make society more open and, at the same time, more secure. The horizontal and self-controlled system on the basis of the blockchaine system ensures the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, because on the one hand, excessive bureaucratic influence is ruled out by unscrupulous civil servants, and on the other - protection from criminal encroachments of third persons on social relations is provided. In today's civilized world, virtually every real person has its own virtual counterpart. At the same time, in the real world, in order to meet their needs, there are a huge number of restrictions and prohibitions that are not virtual in the world. In particular, in the virtual network there are no boundaries, marginal distances, the network is deprived of excessive legal regulation, etc. What the network is not deprived is the control that is carried out by the appropriate administrator, and the level of controllability depends on the administrator himself, since he sets the rules that will operate on the network. Thus, each network can, conditionally, be compared with the form of organization of society (union, community, state, etc.), as well as its leadership. At the same time, with the development of the network, its prevalence, the forms of its regulation become more complicated, which may eventually lead to the consequences encountered by some states. Already today we are witnessing the expansion of the state of legal advisers to legislators. Excessive regulation leads to inconsistencies in legislation and leads to violations of the rights of individuals and legal entities. The history is known for successful examples of the application of a horizontal system of governance by society, which is essentially similar to the blockchaine technology. There is a hope that further implementation of the blockchaine technology will help overcome the crisis in society and promote its development and security.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуто технологію блокчейну та можливості її використання для регулювання суспільних відносин. Застосування такої технології дозволить зробити суспільство більш відкритим і водночас більш захищеним. Горизонтальна та самоконтрольована система за принципом блокчейн забезпечує захист прав та свобод громадян, адже, з одногго боку, унеможливлюється зайвий бюрократичний вплив через несумлінних державних службовців, а з іншого – забезпечується захист від злочинних посягань третіх осіб на суспільні відносини. Наведено історичні приклади успішного застосування таких систем управління суспільством.uk_UA
dc.publisherЛуганський державний університет внутрішніх справ ім. Е.О.Дідоренкоuk_UA
dc.subjectпряма демократіяuk_UA
dc.subjectвідкрите суспільствоuk_UA
dc.subjectвіртуальне середовищеuk_UA
dc.subjectправа та свободи громадянuk_UA
dc.subjectopen societyuk_UA
dc.subjectvirtual environmentuk_UA
dc.subjectrights and freedoms of citizensuk_UA
dc.subjectdirect democracyuk_UA
dc.titleБлокчейн відкритого суспільства або реальні здобутки віртуального середовищаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeBlockchain of Open Society or Real Achievements of Virtual Environmentuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Бочковий О.В.
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