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dc.contributor.authorBoyko, A.-
dc.contributor.authorVlasova, G.-
dc.contributor.authorOmel`yanchyk, S.-
dc.contributor.authorBondar, O.-
dc.contributor.authorMoroz, D.-
dc.contributor.authorKarpenko, R.-
dc.contributor.authorБойко, А.-
dc.contributor.authorВласова, Г.-
dc.contributor.authorОмелянчик, С.-
dc.contributor.authorБондар, О.-
dc.contributor.authorМороз, Д.-
dc.contributor.authorКарпенко, Р.-
dc.identifier.citationBoyko A. Political and legal aspects of regulating transnational labour migration / A. Boyko, G. Vlasova, S. Omel`yanchyk, O. Bondar, D. Moroz, R. Karpenko // International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET, India). - 2020. - Volume 11. - Issue 5. - pp. 153-163.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the study of political and legal aspects of the regulation of transnational labour migration. The study is based on the analysis of a significant amount of literature. The essence of migration, its processes under the influence of various factors, are considered, to distinguish various classification options for this phenomenon, the varieties of international migration are highlighted, and the factors of labour migration are analyzed. The authors highlighted the trends in the field of migration processes, the general trends of external migration in Ukraine and proposed legislative improvements to the migration legislation of Ukraine in the direction of the European context.uk_UA
dc.subjectlegislative improvements transnational labour migrationuk_UA
dc.titlePolitical and legal aspects of regulating transnational labour migrationuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeПолітико-правові аспекти регулювання транснаціональної трудової міграціїuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Бондар О.С.
Карпенко Р.В.
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