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Реалізація норм права: питання термінологічної визначеності та змістовної наповненості

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dc.contributor.author Сердюк, І.А.
dc.contributor.author Serdyuk, I.A.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-11T12:06:00Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-11T12:06:00Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Сердюк І.А. Реалізація норм права: питання термінологічної визначеності та змістовної наповненості / І.А.Сердюк // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2018. – № 1 (90). – С. 74-78 uk_UA
dc.identifier.other УДК 340.132
dc.identifier.uri http://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2581
dc.description.abstract Розглянуто існуючі в сучасній правничій науці підходи до розуміння поняття «реалізація норм права». На основі їх аналізу обґрунтовано авторську дефініцію цієї загальнотеоретичної категорії, що дозволяє відмежувати її від поняття «правомірна поведінка». uk_UA
dc.description.abstract While preparing this article the author has set the goal, based on the methodological analysis of various interpretations of the concept of "implementation of the norms of law", to suggest such an approach to understanding of this general and theoretical category, which would allow it to distinguish it from related concepts, in particular, lawful behavior. The analysis of the existing in the modern legal science approaches to understanding of the concept of "implementation of the norms of law," as well as its essential features, allowed to formulate such interim conclusions having methodological significance in terms of interpreting of this general and theoretical category: Firstly, we consider it unacceptable that the identification of the category under study with the notion of lawful behavior, since it should be considered as the only possible way of implementation of the provision of legal norms; secondly, the trait of procedural necessity inherent in the application as a form of the implementation of the norms of law and only in certain cases provided for by law, is characteristic for the forms of direct implementation of the provisions of legal norms, in particular, the use and execution; thirdly, it is important in terms of the generaland theoretical characteristics of the category under study of its aspects, such as the object and purpose of the implementation. Given the dialectical relationship of the methods of legal regulation, the varieties of classical law norms, as well as the forms of their implementation, we consider the object of realization not an abstract norm of law, but the requirements of the authorizing, binding and prohibiting norms of law. The purpose of the implementation of these norms is seen in achieving the goal of legal regulation - ordering, protection and development of social relations. Taking into account these theoretical provisions under the concept of the implementation of the norms of law we suggest to understand the implementation of the orders of the authorities, binding and prohibiting the norms of law in the objective will of identifying the legally capable persons (their legitimate behavior), which, as a rule, gives rise to certain rights for members of the public life legal consequences and ensures achievement of the goal of legal regulation - ordering, protection and development of social relations.
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher ДДУВС uk_UA
dc.subject правореалізація uk_UA
dc.subject реалізація норм права uk_UA
dc.subject класичні норми права uk_UA
dc.subject правомірна поведінка uk_UA
dc.subject процедурність uk_UA
dc.subject об’єкт реалізації uk_UA
dc.subject мета реалізації uk_UA
dc.subject realization of law uk_UA
dc.subject realization of the norms of law uk_UA
dc.subject classical norms of law uk_UA
dc.subject lawful behavior uk_UA
dc.subject procedurel uk_UA
dc.subject object of realization uk_UA
dc.subject purpose of realization uk_UA
dc.title Реалізація норм права: питання термінологічної визначеності та змістовної наповненості uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Realization of the norms of law: issues of terminological certainty and content filling. uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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