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Цінність правових актів в аспекті утвердження і забезпечення прав людини

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dc.contributor.author Сердюк, І.А.
dc.contributor.author Serdyuk, I.A.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-22T12:50:48Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-22T12:50:48Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Сердюк І.А. Цінність правових актів в аспекті утвердження і забезпечення прав людини / І.А.Сердюк // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2018. – Спеціальний випуск № 3 (94) «Права людини: методологічний, гносеологічний та онтологічний аспекти». – С. 52-60 uk_UA
dc.identifier.other УДК 340 : 342.7
dc.identifier.uri http://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2814
dc.description.abstract З’ясовано складові ціннісного методологічного підходу, що є теоретичним інструментарієм для визначення значущості правових актів в аспекті утвердження і забезпечення прав людини. Розглянуто існуючі в сучасній правничій науці погляди вчених на цінність права та Конституції. На основі їх аналізу запропоновано авторську дефініцію загальнотеоретичної категорії «цінність правового акта»; також з’ясовано прояви однойменного явища правової дійсності в аспекті утвердження і забезпечення прав людини. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract He author has found out components of the valuable methodological approach, which are the theoretical tools for determining the significance of legal acts in the aspect of establishing and ensuring human rights. He has considered existing legal scholars' views on the value of law and the Constitution in the modern legal science. On the basis of their analysis, an author's definition of the general theoretical category "the value of a legal act" has been proposed, as well as manifestations of the same phenomenon of legal reality in the aspect of the assertion and assurance of human rights. The category "value of legal acts" has been proposed to be understood as their essential property, which is manifested in the legal significance of legal acts as a legal value, their significance as a source of information about the system of legal values recognized by society and the state, as a legal and legitimate legal instrument for the regulation of social relations, implementation needs and interests of a person, society and state, legal assessment of legally significant conduct of law-making, capable actors and the resolution of legal conflicts, as well as sources of pr Islands that allows retrospective reconstruction in the form of theoretical models of social and political system, to determine the legal status of different populations, to assess the importance of positive law for social development and, most importantly, to restore historical truth and justice. The value of legal acts is specified in such manifestations as: - their own significance, determined by their place in the system of legal values; - information value - legal acts are necessary legal means of proof of socially and individually significant legal information (including the system of legal values), its source; - instrumental significance - legal acts are legal and legitimate legal means for the regulation of social relations, realization of the needs and interests of a person, society and the state; legal assessment of legally significant conduct of lawful, capable actors; resolving legal conflicts and restoration of violated rights; - historical value - legal acts as a source of law allow us to reconstruct a retrospective theoretical model of the social and state system, determine the legal status of different segments of the population, assess the value of positive law for social development and, most importantly, restore historical truth and justice. In the aspect of establishing and ensuring people’s rights and freedoms, the value of legal acts manifests itself in their significance as an official source of information about general and individual rights and obligations of subjects of law as a legal and legitimate legal means for the regulation of social relations, realization of needs and the interests of a person, the legal assessment of legally significant behavior of subjects, the resolution of legal conflicts and the restoration of violated rights, as well as the restoration of historical justice with regard to illegally convicted citizens, who became victims of political repression.
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher ДДУВС uk_UA
dc.subject цінність uk_UA
dc.subject ціннісний (аксіологічний) підхід uk_UA
dc.subject цінність права uk_UA
dc.subject цінність Конституції uk_UA
dc.subject цінність правового акта uk_UA
dc.subject інструментальна цінність правового акта uk_UA
dc.subject власна цінність правового акта uk_UA
dc.subject історична цінність правового акта uk_UA
dc.subject value uk_UA
dc.subject value (axiological) approach uk_UA
dc.subject value of law uk_UA
dc.subject value of the Constitution uk_UA
dc.subject value of a legal act uk_UA
dc.subject instrumental value of a legal act uk_UA
dc.subject proper value of a legal act uk_UA
dc.subject historical value of a legal act uk_UA
dc.title Цінність правових актів в аспекті утвердження і забезпечення прав людини uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Value of legal acts in the aspect of establishment and ensuring of human rights uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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