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Різнонаправленість правоохоронної діяльності з протидії злочинності як показник її неефективності

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dc.contributor.author Бочковий, О.В.
dc.contributor.author Bochkovyi, O.V.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-09-10T14:05:00Z
dc.date.available 2020-09-10T14:05:00Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.citation Бочковий О.В. Різнонаправленість правоохоронної діяльності з протидії злочинності як показник її неефективності / О.В. Бочковий // Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 4. - С. 136-145 uk_UA
dc.identifier.other УДК 343.1:351.87:34.096
dc.identifier.uri http://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5144
dc.description The article points to the lack of consistency in law enforcement activities between themselves and between their structural subdivisions to combat crime that has a negative impact on its effectiveness. It is proposed to combine operational and investigative functions, in order to avoid duplication and to increase the interest and motivation of employees of law enforcement bodies. According to Art. 2 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, the objectives of criminal proceedings is to protect individuals, society and the state from criminal offenses, the protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of parties to criminal proceedings, as well as providing a quick, full and impartial investigation and trial, so that everyone who committed a criminal offense, has been prosecuted to the extent of his guilt, no innocent person has been charged or convicted. These objectives are mandatory for all law enforcement officials who are involved in pre-trial investigation. However, various law enforcement agencies at different stages of its use, specific means to carry out their tasks. But despite various means, the goal remains one - to ensure the imposition of a just punishment for the guilty and to avoid the condemnation of an innocent man. However, a thorough familiarity with the legal practice of law enforcement agencies indicates that each instance is so interested in the implementation of its part of the obligations that the main purpose is lost. Carry out its task in isolation from the main goal leads to inefficiency in general. To further complicate the process of identification and investigation of crimes lack of coordination functions of the various bodies and their overlaps. The process of documenting the crimes of the fact that information to the operatives of the indictment signed by the Prosecutor, has a large number of stages, where the information about the crime can be ignored, distorted, removed, etc. depending on the purpose of the unit is presently manufactures. At the same time, inconsistencies in the law enforcement negatively affects the maintenance of the rights and freedoms of citizens. The lack of a unified strategy to achieve the main goal is the suppression of the sense of responsibility of individual workers after their stage of production. This is clearly illustrates the specific character of the work of operational and investigative units, in criminal proceedings. By performing the same work, between an operative and an investigator is constantly confrontation because of vicious legal separation transparent activities of the investigator and operative clandestine activities. We support the idea of creating a police inquiry, that is a combination of operational and investigative activities and the investigation as a whole. Only when the whole process of pre-trial investigation of the information in the preparation of the indictment will carry out one unit or individual will be able not only to achieve the main purpose of criminal proceedings, but greatly simplify and reduce the pre-trial investigation by avoiding duplication, it will be easier to follow the logic and consistency proceedings. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У статті вказано на відсутність узгодженості в діяльності правоохоронних органів між собою, а також між своїми структурними підрозділами щодо протидії злочинності, що негативно позначається на її ефективності. Запропоновано об'єднати оперативні та слідчі функції, щоб уникнути дублювання, а також підвищити зацікавленість і мотивацію працівників правоохоронних органів. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher Луганський державний університет внутрішніх справ ім. Е.О.Дідоренко uk_UA
dc.subject безпека uk_UA
dc.subject ефективність uk_UA
dc.subject правоохоронна діяльність uk_UA
dc.subject протидія uk_UA
dc.subject злочинність uk_UA
dc.subject права і свободи uk_UA
dc.subject оперативно-розшукова діяльність uk_UA
dc.subject досудове слідство uk_UA
dc.subject прокуратура uk_UA
dc.subject суд uk_UA
dc.subject security uk_UA
dc.subject efficiency uk_UA
dc.subject law enforcement uk_UA
dc.subject fighting uk_UA
dc.subject crime uk_UA
dc.subject rights and freedoms uk_UA
dc.subject operatively-search activity uk_UA
dc.subject pre-trial investigation uk_UA
dc.subject the prosecutor's office uk_UA
dc.subject court uk_UA
dc.title Різнонаправленість правоохоронної діяльності з протидії злочинності як показник її неефективності uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Different directions of law enforcement in combating crime as an indicator of its ineffectiveness uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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