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Шляхи удосконалення службово-бойової діяльності сил охорони правопорядку в Україні

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dc.contributor.author Казначеєв, Д.Г.
dc.contributor.author Лопаєва, О.М.
dc.contributor.author Kaznacheyev, D.H.
dc.contributor.author Lopayeva, O.M.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-11-30T20:51:31Z
dc.date.available 2020-11-30T20:51:31Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation Казначеєв Д. Г., Лопаєва О. М. Шляхи удосконалення службово-бойової діяльності сил охорони правопорядку в Україні / Д. Г.Казначеєв, О. М. Лопаєва // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2020. - № 3 (106). – C. 90-95 uk_UA
dc.identifier.other УДК 351.74
dc.identifier.uri http://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5422
dc.description The article analyzes the features of service and combat activities of law enforcement forces in Ukraine, mistakes were made during the professional training of personnel. The concept of essence and maintenance of service and combat activity of law enforcement agencies depending on their specificity is given. The description of the directions of improvement of service and combat activity of law enforcement forces in Ukraine is carried out, the substantiation of advantages and disadvantages of these directions in modern conditions is given. Emphasis was placed on improving the service and combat activities of law enforcement forces in Ukraine through the wider application of international regulations and sources of international law, especially those UN General Assembly resolutions on the conduct of law enforcement officials and the basic principles of force and firearms by officials. to maintain law and order, which may vary depending on the national legal system. An analysis of violations of the law committed in the performance of certain combat missions, which mostly occur in cases where law enforcement officers and servicemen in the performance of urgent actions are guided only by the early detection or cessation of offenses, detention or delivery of offenders, restoration of violations. citizens, elimination (minimization) of the consequences of a certain emergency situation. It is noted that in most cases illegal actions are manifested in unreasonable restrictions on the rights and freedoms of citizens, unjustified inspections, detentions and searches, biased, untimely or incomplete information about the results of measures taken, and sometimes - drawing up documents with inaccurate data and falsification of evidence. In view of this, it is necessary to develop theoretical and practical problems of combat training in the framework of the action plan for the implementation of the concept of law enforcement, which provides for the improvement of the existing training system. Fundamentally new requirements for the quality of personnel training require a revision of the existing model of service and combat training in educational institutions with specific training conditions. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Проаналізовано особливості службово-бойової діяльності сил охорони правопорядку в Україні, випадки порушення законодавства, що були допущені під час виконання певних службово-бойових завдань, професійного навчання кадрів. Здійснено характеристику напрямів удосконалення службово-бойової діяльності сил охорони правопорядку та надано обґрунтування переваг і недоліків цих напрямів у сучасних умовах. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher ДДУВС uk_UA
dc.subject службово-бойова діяльність uk_UA
dc.subject охорона правопорядку uk_UA
dc.subject правопорядок uk_UA
dc.subject підготовка особового складу uk_UA
dc.subject контроль uk_UA
dc.subject нагляд uk_UA
dc.subject military-combat activity uk_UA
dc.subject law enforcement uk_UA
dc.subject rule of law uk_UA
dc.subject personnel training uk_UA
dc.subject control uk_UA
dc.subject supervision uk_UA
dc.title Шляхи удосконалення службово-бойової діяльності сил охорони правопорядку в Україні uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Ways of improvement military-combat activity of law enforcement units in Ukraine uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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