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Політико-правові аспекти понятійного апарату громадянського суспільства

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dc.contributor.author Кириченко, В.
dc.contributor.author Соколенко, Ю.
dc.contributor.author Kyrychenko, V.
dc.contributor.author Sokolenko, Y.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-06-08T12:00:17Z
dc.date.available 2022-06-08T12:00:17Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Кириченко В. Політико-правові аспекти понятійного апарату громадянського суспільства / В. Кириченко, Ю. Соколенко // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2021. – Спец. вип. № 2 (115). – С. 404-409 uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri https://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9094
dc.description The article examines the theoretical and practical issues of the concept, principles, structure and functions of civil society, and proves that society is a natural form of social organization and therefore, this is the model of the current Constitution of Ukraine, which establishes the legal status of fundamental institutions of civil society, nature, principles and content of their relationship with government agencies. It is substantiated that it is impossible to confuse or equate the category of «society» as a human relationship with the category of «civil society» as a historical phenomenon, as well as the opinion of G.V.F. Hegel that the concept of «civil society» is narrower than the concept of «society». The authors’ own approaches to the definition of «society» and «civil society» are proposed. It is stated that society has always existed, but society has not always been civil. And so, despite the fact that civil society is a subsystem of society as a whole, it differs from «human society» historically, structurally and culturally, as well as certain qualitative features. It has been noted that civil society emerged only when the relations of Western civilization formed based on private property market relations, liberal-constitutional political system and appeared citizen as an independent entity, aware of itself as an individual member of society, endowed with a set of rights and freedoms, has the tendency and legal capacity to act separately from the state and to interact with other people on a contractual basis of their own free will, not under duress, and to be accountable to society and its other members. It has been emphasized that civil society is a state of ordering society in the interests of each person. An example is given when, with the adoption of the Concept of the new Constitution of Ukraine, it was decided to include a separate section «Civil Society and the State» and enshrine the concept of civil society. But due to the fact that in the current Constitution of Ukraine there is no relevant section and the very definition of civil society, there is still no established understanding of this concept among scholars. It has been noted that the basis of any civil society is based on the most general ideas and principles, such as: environmental freedom of citizens, equality and inviolability of all forms of ownership; definition of human and civil rights and freedoms; freedom and voluntary work; legitimacy and democratic nature of state power, equality of all before the law and justice; political and ideological pluralism; freedom of speech and press, independence of the media, mutual duties and responsibilities of man and public authorities; class peace, partnership and national consent; effective social policy of the state. It has been emphasized that civil society is characterized by a horizontal structure of connections and relations of citizens, their associations, unions and collectives. An important role in this structure is played by institutions, which should be understood as: various public associations formed voluntarily; independent media; Public Opinion; elements of the judicial and law enforcement systems independent of the public; distribution and regulatory institutions of the welfare state; territorial communities. At the same time, none of these institutions should be dominant. Attention is paid to the specific functions of civil society. There is a reasonable thesis that there are no priority areas of development in civil society, as it is impossible to determine which is more important – free press, effective mechanisms of social partnership or democratic system of government, because it is an organic unity where the development of one component is closely linked to development and improving others. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Досліджено теоретичні і практичні проблемні питання поняття, принципи, структура та функції громадянського суспільства, а також доведено, що суспільство є природною формою соціальної організації. Обґрунтовано, що не можна змішувати або ототожнювати категорію «суспільство» як людську спорідненість з категорією «громадянське суспільство» як історичний феномен. Запропоновано власні авторські підходи щодо визначення понять «суспільство» і «громадянське суспільство». uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher ДДУВС uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2021-6-404-409;
dc.subject Конституція України uk_UA
dc.subject суспільство uk_UA
dc.subject громадянське суспільство uk_UA
dc.subject принципи громадянського суспільства uk_UA
dc.subject структура громадянського суспільства uk_UA
dc.subject функції громадянського суспільства uk_UA
dc.subject Constitution of Ukraine uk_UA
dc.subject society uk_UA
dc.subject civil society uk_UA
dc.subject principles of civil society uk_UA
dc.subject structure of civil society uk_UA
dc.subject functions of civil society uk_UA
dc.title Політико-правові аспекти понятійного апарату громадянського суспільства uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Political and legal aspects of the conceptual apparatus of civil society uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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