Короткий опис(реферат):
Стаття присвячена актуальній проблемі – особливостям організації освітнього процесу
в умовах воєнного стану в Україні. Розглянуто питання законодавчої регламентації
регулювання суспільних відносин. Наголошено на вирішальній ролі критерію безпеки для
очного формату навчання під час воєнної агресії, запропоновано запровадження чотирьох
рівнів небезпеки для організації освітнього процесу за теперішніх обставин та ключові ознаки
їх градації. Наведено перелік головних особливостей організації освітнього процесу в умовах
воєнного стану.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
This research paper examines the issue of the peculiarities of the organization of the educational
process in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine.
Attention is paid to the fact that safety should become a fundamental criterion when solving the
problem, especially this concerns the possibility of choosing a full-time education format in a specific
territorial community. The author has emphasized that the main features of the organization of the
educational process in the conditions of martial law are: the military aggression of the Russian Federation
lasting more than six months, which determines unfavorable conditions for the organization of the abovementioned process, as well as overt or hidden manifestations of stress in a significant number of its
participants; the institutional form remains the dominant type of education in our country, in which, due
to external negative circumstances, the online (distance) format of education has spread significantly; the
safety of participants in the educational process is the main criterion for its functioning in one form or another and its implementation in a specific educational institution in general; the unnaturalness of
external learning conditions objectively contributes to a decrease in the quality of education; the decision
to choose one or another format of providing educational services for higher education institutions is
made by its management, and for schools – by the governing bodies of local authorities; buildings of
educational institutions in which offline training is carried out must meet serious regulatory safety
requirements; when choosing the full-time type of education by schoolchildren, in addition to the criterion
of ensuring adequate security, the decision of their parents is of decisive importance; the presence of
territorial and regional differences that affect the dominance of a specific type of education (face-to-face
or distance learning) are caused by the heterogeneity of the security characteristics of the location of
specific educational institutions (distance from the front and the conduct of hostilities, the frequency of
rocket fire in a certain area, the location near military or other infrastructure facilities ); the presence of a
significant number of internally displaced persons (among whom there are a large number of
schoolchildren) may contribute to the overloading of schools in certain regions of Ukraine (especially in
the western regions); the number of six million refugees from our country increases the probability of a
shortage of teaching and research-pedagogical personnel in the territories where processes of significant
departure of Ukrainian citizens abroad were observed; the presence of a large number of destroyed or
significantly damaged educational institutions (primarily in the cities of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv); a
significant decrease in the financial capabilities of the state, local self-government entities and the
majority of ordinary citizens, which will negatively affect the financial and material situation of entities
providing educational services (especially universities); in case of a change in the characteristics of
security circumstances within a specific administrative-territorial unit (for the worse or for the better), the
possibility of an operational transition from one format of obtaining education to another.