Короткий опис(реферат):
Висвітлено одну з актуальних проблем сучасності, пов’язаних зі здійсненням
процесуального керівництва під час проведення процедури екстрадиції правопорушників в Україні.
Розглянуто історичні аспекти створення й розвитку органів прокуратури в Україні як самостійної та
незалежної держави та етапи розвитку здійснення міжнародного співробітництва у сфері екстрадиції
правопорушників. Досліджено нормативно-правове регулювання здійснення органами прокуратури
своїх повноважень у сфері міжнародного співробітництва з видачі осіб (екстрадиції). The article is devoted to highlighting one of the current
problems of our time, related to the implementation of procedural guidance during the implementation of
the procedure of extradition of offenders in Ukraine.
The historical aspects of the creation and development of the prosecutor's office in Ukraine, as
an independent and independent state, and the stages of development of international cooperation in the
field of extradition of criminals are considered. The regulatory and legal regulation of the exercise of
powers by the prosecutor's office in the field of international cooperation on the extradition of persons
(extradition) has been studied. The main types of extradition and procedural powers of the prosecutor's
office are described. The authority of the Office of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine during
extradition, prosecutor's office bodies to exercise prosecutorial supervision over the observance of the
rights of persons subject to extradition was considered.
The relevant section on international cooperation (extradition) of the criminal-procedural
legislation of Ukraine was analyzed and proposals were made to improve the provisions of the criminal
procedural legislation on extradition as a separate type of international assistance in criminal proceedings.
Certain problematic aspects of the prosecutor's activity related to the selection of preventive measure for
persons whose extradition is requested are highlighted. It was emphasized that problematic issues related
to the translation of procedural documents necessary for the implementation of the extradition process
have not yet been resolved.