Короткий опис(реферат):
Досліджено сутність пільг у правовому стимулюванні роботодавців в рамках трудового
права. Визначено поняття «пільга» як правова категорія. Під пільгами у трудовому праві
пропонується розуміти переваги, що встановлюються законодавством про працю, колективним
договором і угодою сторін, які надаються сторонам трудового договору (пільги у сфері зайнятості;
у сфері оплати праці; у сфері охорони праці; у сфері робочого часу та відпочинку; у сфері
житлово-побутового, культурного, медичного обслуговування тощо). Проаналізовано висловлені в
науковій літературі точки зору щодо правової природи пільги. З’ясовано підстави класифікації
правових пільг з урахуванням положень актів чинного законодавства, юридичної літератури. he article
examines the essence of benefits in the legal stimulation of employers within the framework of labor law.
The concept of "privilege" is defined as a legal category. Under benefits in labor law, it is proposed to
understand the advantages established by the labor legislation, the collective agreement and the
agreement of the parties, which are provided to the parties to the labor contract (benefits in the field of
employment; in the field of remuneration; in the field of labor protection; in the field of working hours
and rest; in housing, cultural, medical services, etc.).
The points of view expressed in the scientific literature regarding the legal nature of the benefit
are analyzed. Problematic issues regarding the provision of benefits are investigated primarily at the
branch level and the formation of a separate institution of legal benefits in the system of a certain branch
of law is confirmed. Legal relations on the provision of benefits are concomitant to the main legal
relations of various branch affiliations.
The grounds for the classification of legal benefits are clarified, taking into account the
provisions of acts of current legislation, legal literature. It is substantiated that the recipients of benefits in
labor law are not only employees, but also employers. It is proposed to ensure decent work in the labor
legislation of Ukraine to establish an effective mechanism for stimulating employers with the help of
legal benefits and to determine the grounds for providing legal benefits, guarantees and compensations.
The legislation of Ukraine on benefits for employers is analyzed. One of the ways to improve
the current legislation is to recognize the need for legislative consolidation of the concept and types of
benefits, the grounds and procedure for their provision. It is reasonable to introduce a separate chapter in
the Labor Code of Ukraine, the norms of which would systematically regulate the relationship on the
provision of benefits for employers. This would also allow for the separation of employer benefits from
employee occupational benefits.