dc.description.abstract |
Проаналізовано питання захисту авторських прав та суміжних прав в Україні. Розкрито
особливості оновленого Закону України «Про авторське право та суміжні права». Виокремлено
особливості захисту авторських прав провідних країнах світу.
Особливу увагу приділено захисту авторських прав об’єктів, розміщених в мережі
Інтернет. Надано рекомендації щодо захисту авторських прав об’єктів авторського права, що
мають електронну форму, в тому числі текстові об’єкти та фотографії. Розглянуто види
відповідальності за порушення авторських прав. The issue of protection of copyright and related rights in Ukraine is
analyzed. The features of the updated Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights" are disclosed.
Features of copyright protection in leading countries of the world are highlighted.
Special attention is paid to the protection of copyrights of objects placed on the Internet.
Recommendations are provided for copyright protection of copyrighted objects in electronic form,
including textual objects and photographs.
It was noted that rapid digitalization contributes not only to the rapid dissemination of
information, but also to greater opportunities from the point of view of unscrupulous consumers of
information for the illegal use of copyright objects belonging to other persons. In this regard, authors need
to use the entire available spectrum of protection of the copyright object – from a warning about the
consequences of illegal use of this or that object to the use of special protection programs (for example,
when copying text, unknown symbols will be displayed instead of letters; or when copying the text, a
hyperlink is automatically added; or, for example, to put a protective layer on the photo with an
inscription that will make it impossible to use the photo on other resources, etc.).
Leading countries use effective copyright protection laws. Ukraine is also rapidly and positively
moving in this direction, in particular, in December 2022, the updated Law "On Copyright and Related Rights"
was adopted, which takes into account the requirements of the EU and thus harmonizes Ukrainian legislation
with European legislation and provides even more reliable protection to owners of copyright objects rights.
Also outlined for the period of martial law are the main positions of the government resolution
on "Some issues of implementation of measures to promote the protection of intellectual property rights
and registration in the customs register of objects of intellectual property rights that are protected in
accordance with the law". Types of liability for copyright infringement are considered. The areas of
copyright protection on the Internet have been studied. |
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