Короткий опис(реферат):
Розглянуто ефективність діяльності Комітету з прав людини ООН (далі – Комітет),
проаналізовано Загальний коментар до ст. 6 Міжнародного пакту про громадянські і політичні
права (далі – Пакт) щодо права на життя, а також практику зазначеного Комітету. Стверджується,
що ст. 6 Пакту визнає і захищає право на життя всіх людей, відступ від якого не допускається
навіть під час надзвичайного стану. Держави відповідають за захист життя та протистояння
широкомасштабним або систематичним замахам на право на життя, включно з актами агресії,
міжнародним тероризмом, геноцидом, злочинами проти людства та військовими злочинами. Since the entry into force of the UN Charter, aggressive
war has been outlawed for the first time in the history of international relations. However, over time, a
formal approach to the values proclaimed by the UN began to be observed more and more, and after the
beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine, many questioned the effectiveness of the UN in
The UN, whose goals include the maintenance of international peace and security, proved
unable to achieve them. But, taking into account the fair criticism of the UN and its bodies and certain
specialized institutions, the activities of the UN Committee on Human Rights can be recognized as
effective. And although its decisions are not binding and do not have a special enforcement mechanism
(like, for example, the European Court of Human Rights), its decisions have the force of soft law, which
is based on the authority of the UN). States are responsible for protecting life and countering large-scale
or systematic attacks on the right to life, including acts of aggression, international terrorism, genocide,
crimes against humanity and war crimes.
States parties to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which do not take all reasonable
measures to settle their international disputes by peaceful means, may not fulfill their positive obligation
to ensure the right to life. The right to life should not be interpreted narrowly. This also applies to the
right of natural persons to be free from actions and inactions that may cause an unnatural or premature
death of a person. The law must strictly control and limit the circumstances under which a person can be
deprived of life by the state authorities.
Before using lethal force, agents of the state must (as far as objectively possible) warn the
person of the intention to use force and provide an opportunity to surrender. The infliction of damage
must be proportionate to the requirements for the actions of law enforcement agencies and the
circumstances of the case.