Короткий опис(реферат):
Здійснено юридичний аналіз законодавства, що регламентує діяльність поліції у сфері
протидії сексуальним посяганням на неповнолітніх. Автором зазначається, що правове забезпечення
діяльності поліції щодо попередження статевих посягань на неповнолітніх представлене значною
кількістю нормативних джерел. Детальний аналіз цих джерел дозволив виокремити низку правих
колізій, що потребують негайного усунення, оскільки такі колізії можуть створити умови за яких
неможливо буде здійснити захист дитини від сексуальних посягань. The article provides a legal analysis of the legislation directly aimed at combating sexual
violence against children and the legislation regulating the activities of the police in the field of
combating sexual abuse of children. The author notes that the comprehensive protection of the rights and
legitimate interests of children, including the protection of children from sexual abuse, is one of the
priorities of our state policy, which is implemented through an extensive system of state bodies, including
the National Police of Ukraine. In accordance with the tasks, the police is entrusted with a wide range of
responsibilities to ensure and protect human rights and legitimate interests, ensure public safety and
public order, prevent, detect and suppress criminal and administrative offenses, prevent and combat
domestic violence or gender-based violence, etc. The effectiveness and quality of the implementation of
the tasks assigned to the police to combat sexual violence against children primarily depends on the
regulatory and legal support of such activities.
It is also established that the regulatory and legal support of police activities in the field of
combating sexual violence against children is represented by a significant number of regulatory sources.
A detailed analysis of these sources allowed to identify a number of legal conflicts that require immediate
elimination, as such conflicts can create conditions under which it will be impossible to protect the child
from sexual abuse. An extensive system of by-laws and regulations does not contribute to the proper
protection of children from sexual abuse. Duplication of powers, lack of clear coordination and control
system, branched system of state bodies with the same functions, all this together creates conditions for
unfair performance by civil servants, including police officers, of their duties to protect children from
sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.