dc.description.abstract |
У науковій статті пропонується теоретико-правова модель подальшого дослідження та
розширення категоріально-понятійного апарату в безпековій сфері. Із використанням системнодіяльнісного підходу сформульовано визначення родового поняття “безпека” як сукупності умов
існування соціальної системи, які вона здатна контролювати у процесі реалізації своїх інтересів.
На цій підставі розкривається зміст дефініцій “національна безпека”, “екологічна безпека” та
“біологічна безпека”, аналізуються відповідні позиції вітчизняних науковців. За результатами
проведеного дослідження подається авторське визначення понять національної, екологічної та
біологічної безпеки, їх співвідношення. The
scientific article proposes the theoretical and legal model for the further research and expansion of the
categorical and conceptual apparatus in the security sector. With the use of the system and activity based
approach, the definition of the generic concept of "security" is formulated as a set of conditions for the
existence of the social system, which it is able to control in the process of realizing its interests. On this
basis, the meaning of the definition "national security" is disclosed. In particular, the main component of
this concept – "nation or people" – was analyzed, and critical remarks about the legislative definition of
national security were made. Based on this, the author's understanding of the meaning of national security
is presented: these are the conditions of the existence of the people of Ukraine (individuals, society, state),
which they are able to control in the process of realizing their vital interests.
The unity of doctrinal approaches to the classification of biological security into the components
of environmental security, which, in its turn, is a part of national security, is stated. The positions of
scientists regarding the definition of environmental security were analyzed and the own one was
formulated: environmental security is a set of environmental conditions acceptable for the existence and
sustainable development of the Ukrainian people, which are controlled by them by taking a set of
measures aimed at preventing, neutralizing or minimizing environmental threats.
The definitions of biological security available in the scientific literature and current legislation of
Ukraine were also analyzed. Two scientific approaches to the understanding of biological security have
been revealed: broad and narrow, which confines this concept to the impact of biotechnology. Basing on
the broad (fundamental) approach, the author's definition of biological security of Ukraine is presented as
a set of environmental conditions acceptable for the life of biotas (living organisms of the biosphere), in
particular, the full functioning and development of a man as a biological organism, which are controlled
by them by taking a set of measures aimed at preventing, neutralizing or minimizing of threats of
biological origin. At the same time, under the threat of biological origin (or biothreat) it is proposed to
understand the really or potentially existing possibility of negative impact of pathogenic micro- or macroorganisms, other biological agents on the biotas. |
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