Короткий опис(реферат):
Проаналізовано першочергові засади громадянського суспільства в Україні, а також
зосереджено увагу на чинниках необхiдності удосконалення даних засад та інститутів
громадянського суспільства в цілому. Окрім того, досліджено зарубіжний та вітчизняний досвід, а
також дослідження науковців з цієї проблематики, проаналізовано досвід ефективної взаємодії у
європейських країнах між державою та громадянським суспільством. Розглянуто основні
завдання, які поставлені перед Україною для утвердження основ громадянського суспільства, та
проаналізовано проблеми і недоліки чинного законодавства в контексті регулювання інститутів
громадянського суспільства та шляхи їх вирішення. The urgent principles of civil society in Ukraine have been
analyzed in the scientific article, and also it has been focused on the factors of the necessity of the
improvement of these principles and institutions of civil society as a whole. Besides, the foreign and the
domestic experience, and also the research of the scientists of this problem have been analyzed; and the
experience of the effective interaction in the European countries between the state and civil society has
been analyzed. The main tasks have been considered which are set before Ukraine for the establishment
of the foundations of civil society, and the problems and the shortcomings of the current legislation in the
context of regulation of the institutions of civil society and the ways of their solution have been analyzed.
In the scientific article, the attempt has been made to analyze the theoretical foundations of the
formation of the effective civil society in Ukraine on the basis of dialogue and the national consolidation
in the context of the foreign and the domestic experience; the factors of the establishment of civil society
in our country and the main tasks have been considered which are set for Ukraine in the context of the
post-crisis model of development with the aim of the establishment at the legislative level of the
foundations of civil society as the guarantee of the democratic development of the country. The
peculiarities of the functions of civil society in Europe have been investigated and the problems of the
functioning of the modern European civil society have been found out. It has been analyzed which
changes must be included to the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of additions to expansion of the rights
and the opportunities of organizations of civil society and their members.
The problems of the formation and the further development of civil society, the activities of
public organizations in the process of denationalization and the creation of market conditions, the impact
on the democratization of the country, etc. have been presented in the article. The main factors of the
impact on the effectiveness of the development of civil society in European countries with the possibility
of further application of experience for Ukraine have been found out.