Короткий опис(реферат):
У дисертації науково обґрунтовано кримінальну відповідальність за
ухилення від призову за мобілізацією, створено на цій основі удосконалену
конструкцію ст. 336 КК України та розроблено рекомендації з вдосконалення
відповідних законодавчих положень та практики їх застосування.
Доведено, якість інально-правового забезпечення обороноздатності15
країни напряму залежить від її «військового досвіду»: наявність протягом
певного історичного періоду розвитку військових оборонних та/або
наступальних дій чи діючого збройного конфлікту позитивно впливає на
норми кримінального закону, що були застосовані у цей час.
Пропонується доповнити диспозицію ст. 336 КК України частиною 2
щодо ухилення від призову за мобілізацією під час воєнного стану або
вчиненого військовослужбовцем; санкції частини 1 доповнити покараннями увигляді штрафу, громадських робіт та арештом, частини 2 – обмеженням волі.
Обґрунтовано доцільність доповнення ст. 336 КК України частиною 3,
що передбачає спеціальний вид звільнення від кримінальної відповідальності
та ст. 26 закону України «Про мобілізаційну підготовку та мобілізацію»
частиною 3 щодо обов’язкової умови при такому звільнені як повернення
коштів, що витрачені правоохоронними органами, військовими комісаріатами
та судом на всіх стадіях кримінального провадження.In the dissertation the author has scientifically grounded criminal
responsibility for evasion from conscription for mobilization, created on this basis
an improved composition of art. 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and developed
recommendations for the improvement of the relevant legislative provisions and
practice of their application.
She has proved that the quality of the criminal defense of the country depends
directly on its "military experience": the presence during a certain historical period
of the development of military defensive and / or offensive actions or an active
armed conflict has a positive effect on the criminal law rules that were applied at this
timeThe expediency of supplementing part 3 of art. 336 of the Criminal Code of
Ukraine, which provides for a special type of exemption from criminal liability and
part 3 of art. 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Preparation and
Mobilization" concerning the mandatory condition for such a release is released as a
refund of funds spent by law enforcement agencies, military commissariats and the
court at all stages of criminal proceedings.
Arguments regarding the ungroundedness of allegations made by certain16
scholars and public figures on the illegality of the four waves of partial
mobilizations announced by the decrees of the President of Ukraine and,
consequently, unlawful application of art. 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine -
existing conflicts and gaps of legal regulation in this area are proposed to be decided
on the basis of the constitutional principle of the rule of law as the fundamental
principle for the administration of justice in Ukraine.
The provisions of the science of criminal law regarding the need to take into
account the historical experience of legal regulation of social relations during the
development and adopting of new criminal laws have been improved.
The author has characterized the mechanism of causing damage to the object
of the crime as follows: a person who is subject to conscription for mobilization
deliberately changes his/her status excludes himself/herself as a participant in the
procedure established by laws and other normative and legal acts to maintain the
combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces and other military
formations of Ukraine on level, which guarantees an adequate response to threats to
the national security of the state. Such a person breaks his/her relations with the state
in terms of the obligation to protect the latter, but continues to demand that the state
perform its duties unilaterally to the "deviants".
The most common reasons for avoiding conscription for mobilization have
been established: 1) the reluctance to protect the country due to the failure of the
government to fulfill its responsibilities regarding a proper standard of living; 2) fear
of real threat to be killed during the ATO; 3) others (it is difficult to systematize
them, since the courts do not indicate them in their sentences, and the allocation of a
separate motive is made on the basis of study of all materials of the case).
The norms of similarity and differences between the Criminal Code of
Ukraine and foreign criminal laws have been established: evasion from conscription
for mobilization is a crime in most post-Soviet countries, while in other countries
criminal mobilization awards are not subject to criminal law, but processes that
provide it. Individual countries generally do not envisage such a norm, while some
contain general norms with a clear definition of the concepts of "wartime", "enemy"
and others.
It is proposed to supplement the disposition of part 2 of art. 336 of the
Criminal Code of Ukraine concerning evasion from conscription for mobilization
during martial law; sanctions of both parts are supplemented with punishments in
the form of fines, public works and restraint of liberty.
The author has found out that art. 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
became a "change-over coin" in the achievement by law enforcement of
performance indicators - in fact, the norm does not fulfill the protective and
educational function of criminal law, and is secure in relation to those who apply it.