dc.description.abstract |
У дисертації розроблено систему цілісної кримінально-правової охорони водних
ресурсів в Україні. Комплексно вирішуються проблеми забезпечення такої охорони на
нормативному та правозастосовчому рівнях, пов’язані із механізмом заподіяння шкоди
водним ресурсам, його врахуванням у системі норм, що забезпечують кримінальноправову охорону водних ресурсів, а також при застосуванні цих норм.
Визначаються особливості складів злочинів, що посягають на водні ресурси,
критерії їх розмежування зі складами суміжних злочинів та інших юридичних
правопорушень, а також застосування заходів кримінально-правового характеру
за злочини, що посягають на водні ресурси.
З метою гармонізації національного законодавства із законодавством ЄС
запропоновано внесення низки змін до статей, які передбачають кримінальну
відповідальність за посягання на водні ресурси. Крім того, вирішенi питання щодо
узгодження кримінально-правових норм, що спрямовані на охорону водних
ресурсів, з відповідними адміністративно-правовими нормами у цій сфері.The dissertation analyzes the current state and directions of improving the
criminal law protection of water resources.
Science Criminal Code of Ukraine entered into force in 2001 this qualifying
research work is the first in domestic criminal law science aimed on complex
development of the theoretical and applied problems of the integrity of the criminal-law
protection of water resources.
The object of the dissertation is to identify the components and relationships in
the using and protection of water as an environmental element.
The purpose of the dissertation is to solve such theoretical and applied problems
that that can ensure the integrity of the criminal law protection of the water resources.
For realization of the set goal the author uses formal-logical, systemic-structural,
dogmatic, historical-legal, comparative-legal, statistical and other methods, approaches
and techniques of scientific knowledge, a wide array of empirical data.
In the paper, the scientific novelty of the obtained results is formulated, which is that
in the dissertation the theoretical and applied problems of the integrity of the criminal-law
protection of the water resources were investigated for the first time, and in this regard the40
theoretical problem in the science of criminal law was systematically solved.
As a result of the historical analysis of normative regulation in Ukraine, the
author came to the conclusion that the criminal liability for encroachments on the water
resources has been aimed only to its individual elements.
Concept of offenses that encroach on the water resources has been formulated,
the specifics of these crimes has been defined, their general characteristics have been
given, taking into account objective and subjective signs, and a theoretical model of
these crimes has been developed.
Generic and immediate objects of crimes against the water resources are
determined. Within the generic object of the crimes provided for in Section VIІI of the
Special Part of the Criminal Code, a specific object such as the water resources, which
forms such socially protected values protected by criminal law, is singled out as: a) the
rights, freedoms and law-protected interests in the field of water using; b) victims
(participants of water using); c) legal relations concerning the rights, freedoms and
interests of the water using participants in the form of social links existing them.
The main «components» (varieties) of damage caused on the water resources are
determined, which are included in the content of the consequences as an element of the
relevant components of the crimes, namely: environmental damage (caused by the
aquatic ecological system); harm to man (harm to life and health of people); economic
damage (damage caused by the economic use of water objects).
In order to harmonize national legislation with EU legislation, it is proposed to
introduce a number of amendments to articles that provide for criminal liability for
encroachments on the water resources. In addition, it is proposed to harmonize criminallaw prohibitions aimed at protecting the water resources, with appropriate
administrative-legal prohibitions and provisions of regulatory legislation in this area.
The separate problems of qualification of offenses that encroach on the water
resources, their delineation between themselves and other crimes are investigated and
criteria for the delimitation of offenses that encroach on the water resources and related
crimes are recognized the distinctive features that characterize the subject of the crime
such as: the object of the crime, the victim, the content of the socially dangerous act, the
consequences, the place, the time, the sources of contamination, the methods and the
situation of the crime, as signs of the objective side of the crimes, the purpose and
motive of committing these crimeson criminal liability in the field of water protection are summarized
In the process of analysis of the main problems of punishment of offenses that
encroach on the water resources, the issue of limiting the use of penalties related to
restriction or imprisonment is considered. Among the criminal-law measures for
offenses affecting the water resources, which apply within the framework of criminal
liability of a person, prospects for the application of such measures as punishment,
release from punishment and detention are analyzed. As part of the consideration of
criminal-law measures for offenses affecting the water resources that are applied outside
of the criminal liability of a person, prospects for the application of such measures as
exemption from criminal liability, as well as criminal-law measures applicable to legal
persons, are analyzed. The results of the case law analysis of the application of the law |
uk_UA |