dc.description.abstract |
Османська імперія була найбільш могутньою у військовому аспекті державою, країною з
ефективною структурою державного управління і судовою системою, що базувалася на постулатах
ісламу, але водночас у вищезазначений період уряд декларував політику віротерпимості, котра
існувала не лише де-факто, а й де-юре. Зокрема, історичні лідери мали потужний вплив на
формування тенденцій у світовому мистецтві. The article deals with the
analysis of the image of Hürrem Sultan in legal monuments and its further influence on state-legal relations.
The Ottoman Empire was the most powerful state in the military aspect, a country with an effective structure
of state administration and a judicial system based on the postulates of Islam, but at the same time, in the
above-mentioned period, the government declared a policy of religious tolerance, which existed not only
de facto, but also de jure. In particular, historical leaders had a powerful influence on the formation of
trends in world art.
The authors note that Roksolana's name has been actively used in popular culture over the past
decades. In particular, in Ukraine and Turkey, musical ensembles, restaurants and cafes, shops and hotels
call Roksolana or Khyurrem, her personality inspires not only Ukrainian, but also foreign artists. Regarding
Roksolana's lifetime portraits, we note that they are the most reliable and valuable, because thanks to the
works of the classical period, we have a better idea of Haseki's appearance and figure. However, portraits
of Haseki painted in the era of modern and modern art are also an integral part of our study, because they
represent the image of Hürrem and encourage both the viewer and the artist to analyze the figure of Haseki
from a new, previously unseen perspective.
The practical value of the research is determined by the fact that its materials can be used for the
preparation of term papers, theoretical and practical courses in cultural studies. The research results are a
prerequisite for writing master's, diploma and course theses. The theoretical significance and value of the
study lies in the fact that its results and conclusions diversify the vectors of scientific studies covering art
inspired by historical figures of the Ottoman Caliphate. |
uk_UA |