dc.description.abstract |
У статті розглянуто сучасний стан наукового дослідження злочинності в пенітенціарній
сфері України. Виокремлено їхні чотири періоди: перший період (1991–1995 рр.); другий період
(1995–2004 рр.); третій період (2004–2013 рр.); четвертий період розпочався у 2014 році і триває донині.
Подано аналіз наукових праць вітчизняних вчених щодо сучасного стану злочинності в
пенітенціарній сфері України. Доведено, що злочинність у пенітенціарній сфері України, а також
вивчення нормативно-правових джерел з означеної проблематики дають підстави стверджувати, що ця
тема дослідження є нагальним питанням сьогодення, має теоретико-прикладний характер, а тому
потребує активізації науковців у цьому напрямі. The article examines the current state of scientific research on crime in
the penitentiary sphere of Ukraine. Their four periods are distinguished: the first period (1991–1995); the second period (1995–2004); the third period (2004–2013); the fourth period began in 2014 and continues
to this day. An analysis of the scientific works of domestic scientists regarding the current state of crime
in the penitentiary sphere of Ukraine is presented. It has been proven that the problem of investigating
crime in the penitentiary sphere of Ukraine has its own written history. It is considered by scientists, as a
rule, at the same time as the problem of the emergence of crime and the creation of the first prisons.
Recently conducted research in the field of execution and serving of punishments shows that today the
issue of crime prevention in the penitentiary field has become especially relevant. By the way, the
research established that the convict enjoys all the rights of a person and a citizen, with the exception of
the restrictions defined by the law and established by the court verdict.
The position is substantiated that the study of the state of scientific development of the problem
of crime research in the penitentiary sphere of Ukraine creates prerequisites at the scientific level to
analyze monographic works and scientific articles on this subject and to provide a thorough explanation
of the reasons and conditions for committing criminal offenses in places of detention of the State
Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine and authorized bodies with probation issues of the State
Institution «Probation Center», both by convicts and staff.
In addition, this study of the state of scientific development of the problem of crime research in
the penitentiary sphere of Ukraine is also facilitated by significant changes in the state policy in the
sphere of punishment and probation of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, as the legal successor of the
State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, the essence of which is aimed at protecting the rights and freedoms
of convicts, observance of international standards of treatment in places of detention and in authorized
probation bodies, creation of appropriate conditions for socialization, resocialization and reintegration of
convicts into society after release.
Therefore, the study of the state of scientific development of the problem of crime research in
the penitentiary sphere of Ukraine allows us to consider the very subject of the study «Crime in the
penitentiary sphere: theoretical and applied research» by solving the following tasks:
1) this study has not only a theoretical direction, it can become a road map for the study by the
employees of the State Security Service and the State Institution «Center for Probation» regarding the
prevention of crime in the penitentiary sphere;
2) this study is aimed at further scientific knowledge of the reasons and conditions for committing
criminal offenses in places of deprivation of liberty of the State Security Service of Ukraine and authorized
probation bodies of the State Institution «Probation Center», both by convicted persons and by staff;
3) the study of crime in the penitentiary sphere is aimed at deepening the knowledge and skills
of prevention of criminal offenses in places of detention of the State Security Service of Ukraine and
authorized probation bodies of the State Institution «Probation Center», both by convicts and by staff;
4) the study of crime in the penitentiary sphere should contribute to the formation of a new
criminological concept of state policy in the sphere of execution of punishments and probation, the
purpose of which is to ensure the implementation of general social, special criminological and individual
preventive measures, measures to prevent the commission of criminal offenses, both by convicts and by
Taking into account the fact that crime in the penitentiary sphere prevents the achievement of
the goals of punishment, destabilizes the operational situation in places of detention and in authorized
bodies on probation issues, causes concern in society, the commission of criminal offenses by convicts
and personnel, we set the goal of analyzing the scientific achievements of domestic scientists , enter into
an academic polemic with them and formulate your own scientific hypothesis regarding this crime.
Since the quintessence of our research is crime in the penitentiary sphere, the disclosure of the
theoretical and methodological foundations of such a study must necessarily involve the study of its state
of scientific development, methodological prerequisites, the study of conceptual prerequisites for the
formation of state policy in the field of punishment and probation regarding crime in the penitentiary
sphere and the formation scientific substantiation of the concept of crime in the penitentiary sphere and its
content. |
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