Короткий опис(реферат):
Здійснено аналіз чинного законодавства України щодо регулювання судово-експертної
діяльності Державного науково-дослідного експертно-криміналістичного центру МВС України як
суб’єкта протидії злочинності. Зроблено узагальнений історичний екскурс щодо створення
Державного науково-дослідного експертно-криміналістичного центру МВС України та Експертної
служби МВС України. На підставі окремих досліджень, присвячених класифікації нормативноправових актів, що регулюють діяльність Експертної служби МВС України, узагальнено та
класифіковано функції експертної служби та визначено предметну сферу нормативно-правового
регулювання. The article analyzes the current legislation of Ukraine regarding the regulation of forensic expert activity of the State Research Expert Criminalistic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine as a subject of combating crime. The work provides a generalized historical overview of the creation of the State
Research Expert Criminalistic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Expert
Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. On the basis of studies devoted to the classification
of legal acts regulating the activities of the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,
the functions of the Expert Service have been summarized and classified, and the subject area of
regulatory regulation has been determined. It was determined that the Expert Service performs three main
functions, which can be conventionally called as: 1) specialized – expert, evaluation and professional
regarding the participation of specialists during the inspection of the scene of the incident, the
implementation of pre-trial investigation and court proceedings); 2) accounting and registration –
collection and processing of data that allow solving the task of combating crime; 3) scientific and
methodological – theoretical and practical improvement of conducting research and organization of
forensic expert activity. Legal acts regulating the activities of the State Research Expert Criminalistic
Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine can be divided into two main groups according to
the subject area of regulation: 1) organizational and administrative – those that regulate issues of
management, coordination, interaction, record keeping, remuneration and other issues related to the
activities of the Expert Service and relations with other subjects of legal relations; 2) expert-procedural –
those that relate exclusively to forensic and evaluation activities, their legal significance, that is, the
grounds and procedure for conducting examinations, powers of an expert, features of using research in
resolving legal disputes or prosecution, etc.