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Проникнення слідчого органів Національної поліції до транспортного засобу особи

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dc.contributor.author Захарко, А.В.
dc.contributor.author Zakharko, A.V.
dc.date.accessioned 2018-09-03T16:06:23Z
dc.date.available 2018-09-03T16:06:23Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Захарко А.В. Проникнення слідчого органів Національної поліції до транспортного засобу особи / А.В. Захарко // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2017. – № 3 (87). –– С. 198-207 uk_UA
dc.identifier.other УДК 343.125
dc.identifier.uri http://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1736
dc.description.abstract Проаналізовано повноваження слідчого органів Національної поліції щодо проникнення до транспортного засобу. Аргументовано висновки про процесуальні повноваження слідчого, спрямовані на отримання відомостей під час огляду транспортного засобу, що перебуває у володінні особи. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The powers of the investigating authority of the National Police on penetration into a vehicle of the person are analyzed. The limits of the powers of the investigator during an investigative action review have been made regarding obtaining factual data about the appearance of the car and the situation inside the interior of the vehicle. It was emphasized on the necessity of observing the guarantees of investigators arising from the regulation in the criminal procedural law of the principles of criminal proceedings: non-interference with private life. The position of the European Court of Human Rights, set out in the decisions: "Costello Roberts v. The United Kingdom", "Nimitz v. Germany", "X. against Iceland" regarding the right to privacy of a person. It is argued that when the visual information from the interior of the car interior, in the opinion of the investigator, has a significant probative value and must be fixed immediately, because it may be lost, and the owner of the vehicle objects to the inspection and fixation of this information, the investigator must record this information in inspection reports, and then urgently seek, with the consent of the prosecutor, an investigating judge to obtain a decision to carry out an urgent inspection of the vehicle, connected with the guarantee limitation non-interference in the private life of the holder (passengers) of the vehicle. The essence, manifestations and rules of penetration of the investigating authorities of the National Police into the vehicle of a person were investigated in order to comply with the procedural form and to collect admissible evidence in criminal proceedings. In doing so, the provisions of section 8 of the Criminal Code "Circumstances that rule out the crime of the act" are fully taken into account, the corresponding constitutional guarantees of Article 30 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the provisions of Article 233 of the CPC of Ukraine. The special powers of the investigator arising from the Law of Ukraine "On the fight against terrorism", as well as the criminal procedure review of the vehicle, are authorized by the investigator of the National Police, aimed at creating investigative conditions for the maintenance of public order and can be used to achieve the objectives of criminal proceedings. In particular, preventive police measures: vehicle stop, superficial inspection of the vehicle, restriction of access of citizens to a specific territory or object, temporary restriction of actual possession of the thing.
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher ДДУВС uk_UA
dc.subject повноваження слідчого при проведенні огляду uk_UA
dc.subject проникнення до транспортного засобу uk_UA
dc.subject втручання у приватне життя uk_UA
dc.subject обмеження права власності uk_UA
dc.subject investigating authority of the National Police uk_UA
dc.subject penetration into a vehicle of the person uk_UA
dc.subject guarantee limitation noninterference in the private life of the holder (passengers) of the vehicle uk_UA
dc.title Проникнення слідчого органів Національної поліції до транспортного засобу особи uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Investigating authority of the National police on penetration into a vehicle of the person uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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