Висвітлено деякі аспекти розслідування квартирних крадіжок, учинених раніше за-
судженими особами. Розглядаються сутність та система криміналістичної характеристики
для більш швидкого розслідування кримінального правопорушення.
The scientific article deals with some aspects of investigation of
apartment thefts made by earlier convicted persons. The features of the interaction of the content and structure of criminalistic characteristics for faster and effective investigation of the crime are
devoted too. The essence and system of forensic characteristics of apartment thefts made by previously convicted persons is an important part of the method of investigation of this criminal
offense. In the system of forensic characteristics of the investigated variety of criminal offenses, the following elements are distinguished: the method of committing a crime; situation of commission; "trace picture"; the subject of a criminal offense; victim's person; the offender's person These elements were determined in view of their significance in the practice of police officers for use in the investigation of apartment thefts committed by previously convicted