Досліджено визначення поняття «спеціальні знання», що використовується у кримінальному судочинстві. На основі аналізу думок науковців надано власне тлумачення цього поняття. Проаналізовано основні проблемні питання, пов’язані з використанням спеціальних знань та залученням обізнаних осіб у кримінальному провадженні.
In the article it is marked, that efficiency of lawenforcement activity is directly related to the level of development of scientific and technical
facilities and possibilities of its usage for investigation of criminal offences. For this purpose the investigator and other participants of criminal process that take part in investigation shall use not only
professional legal knowledge but also other industries knowledge that promote rapid and qualitative proceeding of investigation or the «special knowledge» in full measure. Unfortunately, the fact that the determination of the special knowledge is not contained in any legislative or delegated acts sometimes results in incorrect application of this concept in practice of investigation of crimes.
In the article the fundamental analysis of opinions of scientists is conducted in relation to determination of the «special knowledge» that is used in the criminal rule-making. On the basis of analysis of scientists ideas an own interpretation of this concept is given. In the author's opinion in criminal proceeding the special knowledge are theoretical knowledge, abilities and skills in any industry of human activity, purchased as a result of studies or professional preparation that are used with the aim of investigation of criminal offences. Basic debatable questions, connected with the use of the special knowledge, that arise up for scientists, are analyzed, namely: non-commonly knowledge and unpopularity of the special knowledge; areas of the special knowledge; correlation of the special and legal knowledge; method of the special knowledge acquiring by well-informed persons; correlation of the special knowledge with abilities and skills; determination of aims of the special knowledge use in rulemaking; adjusting of the special knowledge use by judicial law; the structure of the special knowledge of expert and specialist.
Summarizing, it is marked that in spite of the definiteness of the special knowledge concept, this category for today is debatable in science and is improved all the time. With development of science and technology and their usage in criminal proceeding the special
knowledge will accompany the process of investigation to a greater extent. The development of process of the special knowledge use in investigation of separate types of crimes with the concrete recommending by pre-trial investigation organs is perspective for scientists.