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Особливості виявлення наркотиків на залізничному транспорті та початку досудового розслідування

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dc.contributor.author Пиріг, І.В.
dc.contributor.author Pyrih, I.V.
dc.date.accessioned 2018-09-17T09:18:54Z
dc.date.available 2018-09-17T09:18:54Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Пиріг І.В. Особливості виявлення наркотиків на залізничному транспорті та початку досудового розслідування / І.В. Пиріг // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2018. – Спеціальний випуск № 1 (91) «Протидія наркозлочинності в Україні та у світі: проблеми та шляхи їх вирішення». – С. 104-110 uk_UA
dc.identifier.other УДК 343.98 : 343.131
dc.identifier.uri http://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1866
dc.description.abstract Визначено особливості виявлення наркотичних засобів, що перевозяться залізничним транспортом. Встановлено ознаки, що свідчать про знаходження наркотичних засобів в окремих частинах потягу. Надано рекомендації щодо проведення окремих оперативно-розшукових заходів для встановлення осіб, причетних до перевезення наркотиків. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract For successful realization of the pre-trial investigation related to illegal turnover of drugs important is directly the stage of exposure of the article of crime and subjects and grounds of bringing of information are related to it for the Single register of pre-trial investigations and beginning of investigation. Having regard to the features of exposure of signs of crime at transportation of drugs by a railway transport and variety of sources about the circumstances of crime, consider necessary to consider this stage exactly, coming from her value for further investigation. At the exposure of signs of criminal offence it is necessary to conduct the careful analysis of primary information on the signs of crime, information on the separate circumstances of the investigated fact, and also sources from that this information is got. The exposure of information about transportation of drugs comes true in majority cases by operative facilities and methods, that allow to collect reliable information about possible reasons, motivation, participants of transportation of drugs, presence and amount of the transported substance and others like that. Exactly due to the acceptance of operational search measures it maybe to educe or people that own certain information about a crime or suspected, or directly signs of crime. Among the events, sent to the exposure of signs of criminal offence, that can apply workers of police during public law enforcement in trains and on train station, there is questioning of citizens and watching persons, that cause suspecting the behavior of possibility of commission of crime. The important aspect of realization of communication is maintenance of visual contact. From the basic methods of receipt of information on polled at a direct contact, watching is distinguished an interlocutor. At transportation of drugs tracks that is represented in behavior of criminals matter passengers. More often a man begins to worry, crossness feels, becomes excited. Sometimes, opposite, there is a doom, depression. All these psychological states are represented in mimicry, gesticulation, manner of behavior, changes of timbre of voice, rate of language and others like that. Having regard to it, the workers of police at the exposure of ferrymen of drugs are necessary to pay attention to exactly such signs in their behavior. Narcotic facilities appear also during the prophylactic reviews of passenger and suburban carriages, that is conducted by the employees of police by the visual exposure of signs that testify to being of drugs in the determined location. Signs that testify to being of drugs in dependence on the place of their hiding-place are examined in the article.
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher ДДУВС uk_UA
dc.subject наркотичні засоби uk_UA
dc.subject працівники поліції uk_UA
dc.subject оперативно-розшукові заходи uk_UA
dc.subject залізничний транспорт uk_UA
dc.subject narcotic facilities uk_UA
dc.subject workers of police uk_UA
dc.subject operational search events uk_UA
dc.subject railway transport uk_UA
dc.title Особливості виявлення наркотиків на залізничному транспорті та початку досудового розслідування uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Features of exposure of drugs are on a railway transport and beginning of pretrial investigation uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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