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Міжнародно-правове регулювання застосування Україною репресалій

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dc.contributor.author Степаненко, К.В.
dc.contributor.author Stepanenko, K.V.
dc.date.accessioned 2018-11-12T13:50:05Z
dc.date.available 2018-11-12T13:50:05Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.citation Степаненко К.В. Міжнародно-правове регулювання застосування Україною репресалій / К.В. Степаненко // Альманах міжнародного права. - 2016. - №13. - С. 57-65. uk_UA
dc.identifier.other УДК 341.24
dc.identifier.uri http://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2090
dc.description.abstract У статті робиться спроба визначити засади міжнародно-правового регулювання застосування Україною репресалій як форми міжнародної відповідальності. Проаналізовано теоретичні положення міжнародно-правового регулювання застосування Україною репресалій, визначено основні практичні напрями застосування Україною репресалій, зокрема й щодо Росії як порушника міжнародних зобов’язань. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The article attempts to define principles of international law regulating the use of reprisals Ukraine as a form of international responsibility. Theoretical provisions of international law regulating the use of reprisals Ukraine, the main practical directions of Ukraine reprisals, particularly in Russia as a violator of international obligations. It is concluded that reprisals in international law are considered illegal in nature activities, but which in exceptional circumstances may be justified in the light of misconduct previously made by the State against which they are directed. Such reprisals nature makes them an integral part of international sanctions applied to violators of international law. Analyzed discussion points for discussion and conclusion of the UN Commission on International Law Draft articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful act. Based on the logic of international law regarding the use of reprisals, which can be seen in the enclosed draft articles Ukraine as a state that has suffered as a result of the aggressive behavior of Russia, a special law has defined types of reprisals that could be applied to offending countries. Given the gross violation of international law Russia and Ukraine on the actions of this country should be determined and correspondent with the rules and case-law of international law. The use of reprisals in this case can be viewed as a temporary precautionary measures is prologue appeal to international judicial institutions. The conclusion is that today there is an urgent need to develop generalized legal position of Ukraine, which has become a basis for the development of a common consolidated claims, which Ukraine as a state that has suffered armed aggression must formally present the Russian Federation as a state aggressor. However, we must improve the regulatory framework and mechanism to introduce Russian as a state-aggressor systematic reprisals for countering Russian aggression in transition recourse to international judicial institutions.
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher Международный гуманитарный университет uk_UA
dc.subject репресалії uk_UA
dc.subject міжнародна відповідальність uk_UA
dc.subject міжнародні санкції uk_UA
dc.subject міжнародне право uk_UA
dc.subject міжнародні відносини uk_UA
dc.subject reprisals uk_UA
dc.subject international responsibility uk_UA
dc.subject international sanctions uk_UA
dc.subject international law uk_UA
dc.subject international relations uk_UA
dc.title Міжнародно-правове регулювання застосування Україною репресалій uk_UA
dc.title.alternative International legal regulation of the use of reprisals Ukraine uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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