Показати скорочений опис матеріалу
dc.contributor.author | Nalyvaiko, L.![]() |
dc.contributor.author | Oliynyk, V.![]() |
dc.contributor.author | Наливайко, Л.Р.![]() |
dc.contributor.author | Олійник, В.М.![]() |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-12-28T12:45:13Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-12-28T12:45:13Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018 | |
dc.identifier.citation | Nalyvaiko L., Oliynyk V. Foreign experience in the interaction of judicial authorities and institutes of civil society: problems of theory and practice / L.Nalyvaiko, V.Oliynyk // Scientific Bulletin of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. – 2018. – Special Issue № 2 (92). – P. 53-59 | uk_UA |
dc.identifier.uri | http://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2317 | |
dc.description.abstract | The article analyses the foreign experience of interaction between judicial authorities and civil society institutions. It is emphasised that the necessary condition for improving the activity of the judicial authorities of any democratic state is to ensure their activity based on principles of openness, transparency and publicity. The international treaties and European standards in the field of court activity are analysed. The emphasis is placed on the significance of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in the field of ensuring the open activity of the judiciary. Proposals to domestic legislation are formulated in order to increase the effectiveness of interaction between the court and the public. | uk_UA |
dc.language.iso | other | uk_UA |
dc.publisher | ДДУВС | uk_UA |
dc.subject | civil society | uk_UA |
dc.subject | judicial authorities | uk_UA |
dc.subject | court and public interaction | uk_UA |
dc.subject | international standards | uk_UA |
dc.subject | European Court of Human Rights | uk_UA |
dc.subject | громадянське суспільство | uk_UA |
dc.subject | органи судової влади | uk_UA |
dc.subject | взаємодія суду та громадськості | uk_UA |
dc.subject | міжнародні стандарти | uk_UA |
dc.subject | Європейський суд з прав людини | uk_UA |
dc.title | Foreign experience in the interaction of judicial authorities and institutes of civil society: problems of theory and practice | uk_UA |
dc.title.alternative | Зарубіжний досвід взаємодії органів судової влади та інститутів громадянського суспільства: проблеми теорії та практики | uk_UA |
dc.type | Article | uk_UA |