Досліджено основні права і свободи людини й громадянина з точки зору гендерної складової їх реалізації. Проаналізовано законодавство, що регламентує реалізацію основних прав і свобод на предмет їх відповідності принципу гендерної рівності. Зроблено висновки про те, що існуючі у суспільстві стереотипи перешкоджають повноцінному гарантуванню рівних можливостей для чоловіків і жінок.
The article investigates the main personal, political, economic, cultural and spiritual rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Ukraine from the point of view of gender component of their implementation for generalization, systematization and further improvement and bringing to the international standards of human rights. The rights and freedoms of man and citizen are directly related to the principle of gender equality. The current legislation develops and details fundamental tenets of the gender equality principle. This article presents the analysis of the system of normative legal acts regulating the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms on the subject of their compliance with the principle of gender equality. The article argues that there is a necessity of reconsidering the approach to the legal regulation of
gender equality in order to ensure its practical maintenance and guarantee. The conclusion is made that the current legislation is objectively not able to guarantee the same provision for both sexes in practice. The stereotypes existing in society impede the full guarantee of equal opportunities for men and women and the use of their constitutional rights and freedoms. Women’s rights are not secured in the public sphere, while men are restricted mostly in the
private sphere. Women have no opportunity, in particular, to fully realise political, economic, social rights. Men are limited in personal rights. It is defined that problems of ensuring the gender equality principle develop through a system of economic, political, social and ideological factors that require a comprehensive solution at the level of improvement of the national policy. In order to overcome these problems, one should use methods of gender budgeting, gender quotas, legal education of the population, etc.