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Актуальні питання комплектування підрозділів Національної поліції України

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dc.contributor.author Кравченко, І.С.
dc.contributor.author Kravchenko, I.S.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-14T14:45:38Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-14T14:45:38Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Кравченко І.С. Актуальні питання комплектування підрозділів Національної поліції України / І.С.Кравченко // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2018. - № 2 (93). - С. 52-58 uk_UA
dc.identifier.other УДК 351.74
dc.identifier.uri http://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2652
dc.description.abstract Визначено проблеми комплектування підрозділів Національної поліції України та науково обґрунтовано комплекс пропозицій щодо їх подолання. Використано чинне законодавство України, доробки вітчизняних вчених, статистичні дані, зарубіжний досвід. Зроблено висновок, що комплектування штату є складним процесом, який повинен мати комплексний характер і будуватися на концепції, відповідно до якої працівники підрозділів Національної поліції розглядаються як її основний ресурс. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract In the modern terms of development of the new law-enforcement system in Ukraine of selection of shots on positions of policemen the special value is given. The necessity of decision of problems of completing of subdivisions of the National Police is determined in the strategic documents of public policy. At the same time there is an urgent necessity of introduction of new approach to completing of subdivisions of the National Police, creation of the proper normative base that answered the requirements of contemporaneity. The aim of writing of this scientific article is a decision of problems of completing of subdivisions of the National Police of Ukraine and making of suggestions in relation to their decision. Completing of subdivisions of the National Police is activity of the authorized public servants of bodies (establishments) of police from planning, selection and assigning for positions of policemen, according to the nomenclature of positions, that is asserted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, in the order of competitionon service to the police and/or employment of vacant position, attestation or assigning for positions of students (listeners) of higher educational establishments with the specific terms of studies, that carries out preparation policeman, for providing the state necessary amount skilled employee and implementation task National Police of Ukraine. We are distinguish such problems of completing of subdivisions of the National Police: 1) the premature and off-grades election of candidates on vacant positions in subdivisions of patrol police in 2015 entailed the outflow of shots and lack of workers of subdivisions in 2017; 2) in text of law and other normatively-legal acts it is explained not enough a legislator, in what completing of subdivisions of the National police and ambiguously defined notions "selection on position", "assigning consists for position of policeman", "manning table (state)", "permanent position", "completing in order of promotion"; 3) vaguenesses of questionare in relation to reformation of higher educational establishments with the specific terms of studies, that carry out preparation of policemen, and their role in completing of subdivisions of the National Police. Drawn conclusion, that staffing is a difficult process, that must carry complex character and built on conception in accordance with that the workers of subdivisions of the National Police are examined, as its basic resource. Consider realization of transparent competitions priority directions of overcoming of existent problems of completing of subdivisions of the National Police on vacant positions, reformation of the system of constabulary education, acceptance of the Typical order of completing of subdivisions of the National Police, in that it follows to define a concept, object, subject, maintenance, to the order of completing, its organization and planning.
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher ДДУВС uk_UA
dc.subject Національна поліція України uk_UA
dc.subject комплектування uk_UA
dc.subject кадри uk_UA
dc.subject штат uk_UA
dc.subject добір uk_UA
dc.subject the National police uk_UA
dc.subject completing uk_UA
dc.subject personnel uk_UA
dc.subject state uk_UA
dc.subject selection uk_UA
dc.title Актуальні питання комплектування підрозділів Національної поліції України uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Pressing questions of completing of subdivisions of National Police of Ukraine uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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