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Висвітлено стан забезпечення національної безпеки в Україні. Доведено, що національна безпека є складною соціально-економічною проблемою, зумовленою різними чинниками, аналіз яких дозволив розглянути безпеку в сучасних умовах як невід’ємну умову діяльності людей, соціальних груп, суспільств, держав і світового співтовариства. Наголошено на доцільності визначення сучасних детермінант розвитку державної політики забезпечення національної безпеки України. |
uk_UA |
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The article highlights the state of ensuring national security in Ukraine. It is proved that national security is a complex socio-economic problem caused by various factors, the analysis of which allowed to consider security in modern conditions as an indispensable condition for the activities of people, social groups, societies, states and the world community. It is emphasized on the expediency of defining modern determinants of development of the state policy of providing national security of Ukraine. In particular, the determinants in: political, economic, social, ecological, scientific-technological and informational spheres are highlighted. It is proved that the problem of choosing conceptual approaches to ensuring national security should be analyzed in the context of cultural and historical development of both states and civil society institutions. However, for Ukraine it is characteristic that today practically all social structures and institutes associate elements and features of both the previous Soviet and new liberal-market system of peripheral type. New state institutions have inherently inherited the features of the communist nomenklatura, institutions of social state and civil society. As a result, the standard of Soviet, Americanized, Western and Ukrainian emigrant cultures, which is managerial, is not sufficiently combined in Ukraine, which, of course, influences the choice of a conceptual approach to ensuring national security and its practical implementation. The emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of the national security of Ukraine, which are determined by the historical and socio-political conditions of the state in which it is born, develops and functions. Particular attention is drawn to the Law of Ukraine "On National Security of Ukraine", which can hardly be called the basic one, even though it is aimed at defining the mechanisms of leadership in the field of national security and defense, the normalization of the structure and structure of the security and
defense sector, management system , the coordination and interaction of its bodies, the introduction of planning to ensure sustainable and effective civil democratic control over the bodies and units of the security and defense sector. The new law should define the fundamental provisions, reflect the basic values and national interests in the field of national security. Unfortunately, however, it has a narrow orientation, exclusively in the defense and security sector, and does not cover all areas that traditionally belong to the components of national security - economic, environmental, transport, cybernetic, social, etc. |