Досліджено значення «e-Health» у забезпеченні медичних прав людини в Україні. Наголошено, що поняття «e-Health» не набуло в Україні такого поширення, як у державах Європейського Союзу. Зроблено висновок про те, що «e-Health» відіграє ключову роль в ефективному та всебічному забезпеченні права кожного на охорону здоров’я.
The article deals with the concept and importance of «e-Health» in the human health rights in Ukraine. Investigate that the term «e-Health» is not using in Ukraine such in European Union. Pay attention that the «e-Health» playing key role for the effective and comprehensive provide everyone's right to health care. The economic efficiency of «e-Health» in Ukraine is also quite promising, but at the implementation stage, it requires significant financial costs.
In general, «e-Health» will in the near future cover a lot of positive moments. in particular: a) to facilitate access to medical services for patients; b) to ensure the maintenance of a medical card of a person in electronic format; c) operatively adapt the health care system to emergency events; d) to introduce distance training of medical personnel; e) attract foreign specialists to provide highly specialized medical care; e) improve the quality of the provision of medical rights for the inhabitants of the countryside; e) improve measures to preserve drug-secrecy during the exchange of information; is) to
put into practice the philosophy of "money follow the patient".