Розглянуто екологічну функцію держави, яка, пройшовши тривалий історичний шлях становлення та розвитку, є не лише основною, а й такою, що здійснюється державою на постійній основі. З огляду на масштабність екологічних проблем, які на теперішній час мають глобальний характер, реалізація екологічної функції лише однією або кількома державами не може бути ефективною, оскільки подолання екологічних проблем можливе лише у тісній співпраці всього світового співтовариства, а також за активної участі правосвідомого населення.
Current realia compel not only to reexamine but also to update the functions fixed for a state. Ecological function is among them. Having passed a long historical way of formation and development, this function at this very moment is not only the main but it is exercised by the state on a regular basis. Taking into consideration the scale of the ecological problems having global disposition, the implementation of ecological function by only one or several states cannot be efficient as solution of ecological problems is possible only when the whole world community cooperates and every person with the legal sense actively takes part in. Attention is paid to the understanding of the essence of the category “ecological function of a state”, historical development and constituents of the contents and also to those tasks, which the state sets to ensure the abovementioned function.
The right of a human being to a favorable environmental is studied.
Attention is paid to necessity of taking into account the fact that sustaining ecological balance and
securing ecological safety are the direction of primary importance of the modern Ukrainian state to save not only favorable natural environment but also ensuring of a stable gene pool of the nation.
Care and rational use of the natural resources and at the same time maintenance of the ecological safety and interstate cooperation in this direction is the fundamental task of the modern state, performing the leading role of active development of ecological function of the state. Principle basis in Ukraine are determined as the main trends in the policy of the state in the sphere of protection of the environment, the use of natural resources and ensuring of ecological safety. They provide for priorities of ecological policy, its main stages and mechanisms of realization.