Розглянуто роль запобігання кишеньковим крадіжкам у діяльності слідчих НПУ, заходи протидії кишеньковим крадіжкам. Аналізуючи погляди вітчизняних і зарубіжних учених доведено, що кишенькова крадіжка вважається одним із найстаріших видів злочинів, яка була, є і буде найпоширенішим видом міського злочину й належить до найбільш професійних видів злочинної діяльності, оскільки вимагає певної підготовки. Уточнено сутність, завдання та напрями запобігання кишеньковим крадіжкам. Визначено умови та причини вчинення кишенькових крадіжок, вибір найбільш оптимальних та дієвих заходів загальної та індивідуальної профілактики кишенькових крадіжок
The article deals with the role of preventing pocket theft in the activities of investigators NPU, measures to counter pocket theft. Analyzing the views of domestic and foreign scientists found that pocket theft is considered one of the oldest types of crimes, which was, is and will be the most widespread kind of urban crime and refers to the most professional types of criminal activity due to the fact that this type of attack requires some training . Analyzing the
views of domestic and foreign scientists found that pocket theft is considered one of the oldest types of crimes, which was, is and will be the most widespread kind of urban crime and refers to the most
professional types of criminal activity due to the fact that this type of attack requires some training . The essence, tasks and directions of prevention of pocket thefts are specified. It is stated and grounded that the prevention of pocket theft is divided into prevention, carried out before the formation of criminal intent; Prevention of the occurrence after the formation of criminal intent before the initial theft; termination of theft, which includes precautionary measures taken after the commencement of criminal acts. The conditions and reasons for pocket theft, the choice of the most optimal and effective measures of general and individual prevention of pocket thefts are determined. Proposed measures of general prevention aimed at identifying, eliminating and neutralizing the causes and conditions that facilitate the commission of pocket thefts are divided into: managerial; organizational; organizational tactical, informational and
analytical and those that directly affect the criminogenic factors. The measures of individual prophylaxis are characterized, which, in contrast to the general, are directed directly to the person of professional criminals and circumstances that form their anti-social position.