Короткий опис(реферат):
Розкрито підходи до визначення змісту поняття специфічних умов навчання. Аналізуються погляди дослідників щодо перспективи реформування відомчої освіти, основні напрямки даного процесу. Розглядаються сучасні напрямки впровадження інновацій в освітньому процесі у закладах, які готують поліцейських. Аналізуються переваги подібних закладів при Міністерстві внутрішніх справ перед закладами вищої освіти Міністерства освіти України.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
The article reveals approaches to the definition of the content of the concept of specific learning conditions. The views of B. Malyshev on specific training are indicated as only increased attention to physical training, criminal law and special conditions of residence of cadets. V. Romanyuk writes about significant positives from specific training conditions, as they make it possible to become a more competent police officer. S. Semin and O. Reznikova claim that cadets already live in police service while studying at such establishments. Analyzed the views of researchers on the prospect of reforming departmental education, the main directions of this process. Some advocate a fundamental reform of the education system, the closure of institutions with specific training conditions, and the establishment of police academies and the Police High School for police and senior police (“Western model”). Others are in favor of preserving educational institutions with specific learning conditions. The modern directions of introduction of innovations in the educational process in the institutions that prepare police officers are considered. O. Bezpalova believes that innovations are developing in three main directions: educational process, scientific activity, legal education of the population. N. Pribitkova, G. Shorokhova emphasize the necessity of attracting distance learning. The need to involve cadets and scientific personnel in the police is emphasized. The advantages of such institutions at the Ministry of Internal Affairs before the institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine are analyzed. O. Bondarenko argues that the training of police detectives is more effective in departmental institutions, as cadets gain experience in police training during their teaching.