Короткий опис(реферат):
Стаття присвячена висвітленню деяких аспектів розслідування крадіжок багажу громадян, учинених в аеропорту. Розглядаються особливості криміналістичної характеристики для більш швидкого розслідування досліджуваної категорії кримінальних правопорушень.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
The article deals with some aspects of investigating theft of citizens' luggage at the airport. The features of forensic characteristics for faster investigation of the investigated category of criminal offens es are considered. The author emphasizes that the creation of a stable system is a prerequisite for the effectiveness
of any activity. The process of pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses is not an exception. An important element of the methodology of investigation of a particular criminal offense is its forensic characteristics. This element allows law enforcement officials to build versions and determine the direction of criminal proceedings at its initial stage. At the same time, when investigating theft of citizens' luggage at the airport, the initial stage is in many cases crucial. It provides an opportunity to gather sufficient evidence that will be lost over time without being able to recover it. Therefore, the issue of research and development of the current forensic characteristics of the offense is important for the investigation as a whole. It is also noted that the forensic characteristics of the citizens' luggage theft committed at the airport is a system of generalized evidence of the studied materials of the forensic practice, which reflect the connection and correlation of individual forensically significant elements that can be used in the pretrial investigation of a specific criminal offense. The system of the designated category consists of the following elements: method of preparation, сommission and concealment of a criminal offense; the subject of the assault; the situation of committing a criminal offense; a trace picture; the person of the offender; the identity of the victim.