Показати скорочений опис матеріалу
dc.contributor.author | Грибан, В.Г. | |
dc.contributor.author | Мельников, В.Л. | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-04-29T10:19:01Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-04-29T10:19:01Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020 | |
dc.identifier.citation | Грибан В. Г. Фізична активність як важливий фактор зміцнення здоров’я та подовження тривалості життя / В. Г.Грибан, В. Л. Мельников // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2020. - № 1 (104). – С. 75-81 | uk_UA |
dc.identifier.other | УДК 796.038:34 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://er.dduvs.in.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/4654 | |
dc.description | The Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" outlines the main indicators of physical development of citizens, in particular, the levels of health, physical development and preparedness of different segments of the population, as well as the degree of use of physical education in the right areas of human activity. It should be noted that the vast majority of predicted The law of indicators is either not fulfilled or not fulfilled, and therefore the social tasks of our country in the field of physical culture and sports need more attention The article pays special attention to the role of physical activity in preserving and securing health and life expectancy of a person. The specific effect of exercise is associated with increased functionality of the cardiovascular system. It consists in economy of work of heart at rest and increase of reserve possibilities of the circulatory system at muscular activity. Physical activity leads to a decrease in resting heart rate (bradycardia), which saves heart activity. Increasing the duration of the diastole (relaxation) phase ensures better delivery of the heart muscle with oxygen. Biological age indicators were used to determine health status and predict human life expectancy. Studies conducted on 2000 people aged 40 to 60 years have shown that the biological age exceeds the passport by an average of 17 years. Other data were obtained from young people, especially those with physical fitness, where the biological age was significantly inferior to the passport. The results of the championship on the International and national tests are also analyzed. It was found that 54.7% of its participants successfully passed thе regulatory tests, the rest were unable to overcome the test. Our research on determining the biological age of the participants of the championship showed that in people who successfully passed the tests, the biological age was below the passport by 10.4-19.7 years. Representatives who did not pass tests did not differ significantly between biological and passport age. On the basis of the conducted researches we have drawn inappropriate conclusions. | uk_UA |
dc.description.abstract | Аналізуються показники біологічного та паспортного віку громадян залежно від їх фізичної активності. Проаналізовано нормативно-правову базу із вказаної проблематики, висвітлено на прикладі Закону України "Про фізичну культуру і спорт" основні пріоритети державної політики у сфері фізичної культури і спорту | uk_UA |
dc.language.iso | other | uk_UA |
dc.publisher | ДДУВС | uk_UA |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | ;DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2020-1-75-81 | |
dc.subject | фізична культура | uk_UA |
dc.subject | спорт | uk_UA |
dc.subject | біологічний вік | uk_UA |
dc.subject | паспортний вік | uk_UA |
dc.subject | фізична підготовленість | uk_UA |
dc.subject | стан здоров’я | uk_UA |
dc.subject | тривалість життя | uk_UA |
dc.subject | physical culture | uk_UA |
dc.subject | sport | uk_UA |
dc.subject | biological age | uk_UA |
dc.subject | passport age | uk_UA |
dc.subject | physical training | uk_UA |
dc.subject | state of health | uk_UA |
dc.subject | duration | uk_UA |
dc.title | Фізична активність як важливий фактор зміцнення здоров’я та подовження тривалості життя | uk_UA |
dc.type | Article | uk_UA |