dc.contributor.author |
Завгородня, Ю.С.
dc.contributor.author |
Zavhorodnya, Yu.S.
dc.date.accessioned |
2020-04-29T11:50:39Z |
dc.date.available |
2020-04-29T11:50:39Z |
dc.date.issued |
2020 |
dc.identifier.citation |
Завгородня Ю. С. Зобов’язання держави у сфері забезпечення прав дитини / Ю. С. Завгородня // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2020. - № 1 (104). – С. 27-32 |
uk_UA |
dc.identifier.other |
УДК 341.231.14 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://er.dduvs.in.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/4663 |
dc.description |
The article focuses on the need to know the rights of the child through the obligations of the state, since the state is the recipient of the rights of the child (as well as human rights). Emphasis is placed on the lack of comprehensive research of the rights of the child within the domestic legal doctrine through the paradigm of Western legal culture; the existing papers were done mainly through the understanding of the rights of the child, which had developed in times of the soviet jurisprudence. Three aspects of the state's obligations in the
field of rights of the child are analyzed. First, the state is bound to respect the rights of the child. This obligation causes the state to abstain from violating the rights of the child. It is noted that respect for the rights of the child is linked to their recognition. After all, without recognition by the state of its duty to respect the rights of the child, the activities of public authorities will not be aimed at securing and protecting the rights of the child and the legislation of that state will not contain any prescriptions for the rights of the child. Rights exist only there where the state fulfills its obligations as to their implementation. The recognition of the rights of the child may be indicated by signing by the state of relevant international treaties, the adoption of legislation. Also important in this context is a comprehensive educational work aimed at forming an ideology according to which the rights of the child should be properly perceived by all members of the society.
Secondly, the state has a duty to protect the rights of the child. This obligation makes it necessary for the state to protect the rights of the child against abuse by third parties, as well as to bring to justice those who violate the rights of the child. Attention is drawn to the fact that the establishment of a number of institutions that perform supervisory functions for the realization of the rights of the child may indicate the need to improve the mechanisms of protection of the rights of the child due to their unsatisfactory condition. The data provided indicated the need to improve the mechanism of protection of children from violations of their rights. The state should have a clear roadmap for further reforms in the area of childhood protection, protection of their rights, including protection from parents or other legal representatives. Such social change should be implemented systematically, with an understanding of their importance for creating a healthy generation. Thirdly, the state is obliged to enforce the implementation of the rights of the child. It is concluded that the current mechanism for the protection and protection of the rights of the child in Ukraine needs significant improvement, which must be done through systematic reformation of both the sphere of realization of the rights of the child and the state policy on the realization of the rights of the child. |
uk_UA |
dc.description.abstract |
Наголошено на необхідності пізнання прав дитини через зобов’язання держави. Звернуто увагу на відсутність у межах вітчизняної правової доктрини комплексних досліджень прав дитини через парадигму західної правової культури. По-перше, держава зобов’язана поважати права дитини. Цей обов’язок зумовлює для держави утримання від порушення прав дитини. Зазначено, що повага прав дитини пов’язана з їх визнанням. По-друге, держава зобов’язана захищати права дитини. Цей обов’язок зумовлює для держави необхідність захисту прав дитини від порушення з боку третіх осіб, а також притягати до відповідальності осіб, які порушують права дитини. Потретє, держава зобов’язана забезпечити реалізацію прав дитини. Цей обов’язок зумовлює для держави необхідність вживання активних дій для сприяння дітям у реалізації їх прав. Зроблено висновок, що наявний на сьогодні в Україні механізм захисту та забезпечення прав дитини потребує суттєвого удосконалення. |
uk_UA |
dc.language.iso |
other |
uk_UA |
dc.publisher |
uk_UA |
dc.relation.ispartofseries |
;DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2020-1-27-32 |
dc.subject |
обов’язок забезпечення прав дитини |
uk_UA |
dc.subject |
обов’язок захищати права дитини |
uk_UA |
dc.subject |
людські права |
uk_UA |
dc.subject |
обов’язок поважати права дитини |
uk_UA |
dc.subject |
права дитини |
uk_UA |
dc.subject |
the obligation to provide the rights of the child |
uk_UA |
dc.subject |
the duty to protect the rights of the child |
uk_UA |
dc.subject |
the duty to respect the rights of the child |
uk_UA |
dc.subject |
human rights |
uk_UA |
dc.subject |
the rights of the child |
uk_UA |
dc.title |
Зобов’язання держави у сфері забезпечення прав дитини |
uk_UA |
dc.title.alternative |
State obligations in child’s rights ensuring |
uk_UA |
dc.type |
Article |
uk_UA |