Короткий опис(реферат):
У статті розглянуто особливості сучасного кримінального процесу України, що не сприяють його розвитку. Невідповідність КПК України законодавству в цілому призводить до суперечностей при його тлумаченні на практиці, що тягне за собою неефективність у протидії злочинності та необґрунтоване порушення прав і свобод громадян.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
The article deals with the features of modern criminal process of Ukraine that are not contributing to its development. The inconsistency of the criminal procedural code to the legislation in general, is leading to contradictions in its interpretation in practice, causing the inefficiency in combating against a crime and unwarranted infringement of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Of course, a great part of provisions of the CPC are revolutionary for our criminal process. But a deeper study of the norms of the criminal procedural code and practices is showing that many provisions of the Law are not consisting with the social relations in
our state, are borrowed without considering the historical and psychological features of the Ukrainian society. The attempt of combining continental and Anglo-American traditions of justice regulation, without making corresponding changes in national legislation in general, no doubt is causing an imbalance. The further attempts to impose the regulated rules on existing social relations will be leading to the gradual destruction of social relations in a more unstable sphere that, in general, can not contribute to the development of the criminal process, but rather its degradation. The purpose of this article is to highlight the norms of the criminal procedural code of Ukraine, that are contradicting to other current normative legal acts regulating social relations in the sphere of the criminal process. To justify the inconsistency of the modern criminal process to the pace of development of society in general, and crime, as its part in particular. The criminal process should reflect the mood and the rules existing for efficient enforcement. Otherwise, a certain resonance in public relations is establishing with its insufficient strength that may lead to their destruction. In addition it is necessary to pay attention to the Law of Ukraine «On the operative-search activity», because
it can be argued that the existence of these two legislative acts – is a relic of the ancient
traditions and the preservation of conservatism in the former evaluation of the OSA as
activities purely secret. For decades scientific discussions about the feasibility and necessity of processualisation of the OSA are sustained. An important step was the introduction to section 21 of the criminal processing code «The covert investigative (search) actions», that are actually regulated by the unofficial documentation of criminal activities
in criminal proceedings. But this type of documentation is limited by the Law of Ukraine «On the OSA», albeit in a different form. And the save of the duplication is not only a violation of the basics of the legislative technique, but also a creation of the preconditions for violations guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine of rights and freedoms of citizens in the process of enforcement. Therefore, even following the western experience our legislators managed to take the most controversial moments and put them on the already established social
relations without taking into account national peculiarities. In the West the OSA is apart from the criminal procedure and is governed by a separate legislation. We try to sit on two chairs, causing a significant number of inconsistencies provoking controversy during the application of legal norms in practice. As a result the secret activity requiring a very careful regulation is obscured. Without doubt, the evolution of the criminal process is extremely important, however, and the specifics of
the OSA requiring no less attention have not been canceled.