Короткий опис(реферат):
На основі аналізу чинного законодавства та теорії національної безпеки розглянуто сутність та розмежовані поняття «сили безпеки» та «сили охорони правопорядку». До складу сил безпеки, залежно від функціонального призначення, запропоновано віднести: Міністерство внутрішніх справ, Службу безпеки України, розвідувальні органи, Управління державної охорони України, Державну службу спеціального зв’язку та захисту інформації України та Військову службу правопорядку. Акцентовано на тому, що, хоча поняття «сили охорони правопорядку охоплює більш широкий спектр суспільних відносин та містить не тільки діяльність в особливих умовах, але й повсякденну службову діяльність, використання терміна «сили безпеки» під час діяльності із забезпечення національної безпеки, до того ж визначене на законодавчому рівні, є більш актуальним.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
The article examines the essence and differentiated concepts of "security forces" and "law enforcement forces" based on the analysis of the current legislation and the theory of national security. The problems of national security, which are one of the most important, complex and multifaceted and integral phenomena of social and political life, are investigated. National security theory is a meta-science that combines the applied aspects of social, military, humanities, technical, psychological, biological and other sciences to explore the nature, content, methods, forms and means of ensuring the security of the individual and social communities of different levels. Therefore, in the study of national security, many categories are used, including the following: security, national security, national interests, national security facilities, national security entities, security factors, threats, danger, national security system, national security principles, national security functions, etc.
On the basis of the analysis of key norms of the Law of Ukraine "On National Security of Ukraine" it is concluded that the changed approach to the formation of key legal acts based on the change of the vector of formation of threats to national security and national interests. Such an approach is in line with current requirements because, as historical experience shows, focusing solely on the interests of the state, developing its economic and military potential and subordination to these goals of the interests of individuals, the emergence of internal conflicts, ultimately leads to a process of disintegration. It is noted that while the legislator even divides the security and defense sector of Ukraine into four interconnected components, the composition of the security and defense sector nevertheless lists the entities without belonging to any of the four components. Depending on functional function, the security forces should include: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine, intelligence agencies, State Security Service of Ukraine, State Service for
Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine, and Military Law Enforcement Service. In line with this goal, it should be noted that although the notion of "law enforcement is encompassed by a broader range of public relations, it includes not only activity in special circumstances, but also the day-to-day service of using the term" security force "in national security activities. moreover, the one defined at the legislative level is more relevant. The legislative definition of "security forces" prompts, at least, the start of a scientific search to
clarify the passport of the specialty 21.07.05 - combat service of law enforcement forces and to make changes and additions to the List of scientific specialties.