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Алгоритм дій працівників поліції під час опитування (допиту) неповнолітнього, що став жертвою насильницьких проявів

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dc.contributor.author Наливайко, Л.
dc.contributor.author Мороз, В.
dc.contributor.author Nalyvaiko, L.
dc.contributor.author Moroz, V.
dc.date.accessioned 2021-12-23T09:32:06Z
dc.date.available 2021-12-23T09:32:06Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Наливайко Л. Алгоритм дій працівників поліції під час опитування (допиту) неповнолітнього, що став жертвою насильницьких проявів / Л. Наливайко, В. Мороз // Концептуальні положення механізму захисту прав дітей: український та зарубіжний контекст : кол. монограф. / кол. авт. ; ред. Л. Р. Наливайко. - Дніпро : ДДУВС, 2021. - С. 64-74 uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri https://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7308
dc.description.abstract Comprehensive protection and safeguarding of children is one of the priorities of the national criminal legal policy, as children are the most unprotected and vulnerable. The protection of the rights of a child who has entered the system of administrative-legal, criminal-legal relations is of great interest to society, it concerns the problem of human survival, ensuring the genetic fund, raising a healthy generation. The authors have clarified the social conditionality, reveal the state of scientific analysis and legal support for child protection. They have proved that the problem of violence against children is very relevant around the world. The prevalence of violence against children is linked to the overall increase in domestic violence, violent crime, suicide and fatal accidents. Therefore, one of the priority areas of social policy of Ukraine is combatting crimes against life, health, freedom and dignity of the individual. The authors have studied the content of preventive work with juveniles who have suffered from violence, methods of investigating certain criminal offenses and the algorithm of police officers’ actions to protect children’s rights and legitimate interests, taking into account the powers of all actors in the field of children’s rights. After all, one of the main, specific and most complex activities of the National Police is the full and rapid detection, prevention and documentation of offenses against children and the detection of perpetrators in order to prevent psychological trauma to children. That is why the expediency of the system of work in «child-friendly crisis rooms» considering the age and psychological characteristics of those children who have become victims or witnesses of a crime or an offense. The organization of work is carried out on the basis of an individual approach to each child, taking into account its age and stage of development. The interviewing (interrogation) reduces the child’s mental trauma during investigative and procedural actions, provides the child with a sense of security and confidentiality and meets the needs of children to feel physically and psychologically safe during the interviewing or interrogation. The above presupposes the need for students of higher education institutions to study features and tactics of preventive action, as well as to establish the existing facts of illegal activities and documentation not only in theoretical terms but also in practice. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher ДДУВС uk_UA
dc.subject насильство над дітьми uk_UA
dc.subject Кризова кімната, дружня до дитини uk_UA
dc.subject діти-жертви uk_UA
dc.subject булінг uk_UA
dc.subject цькування uk_UA
dc.subject неповнолітній uk_UA
dc.title Алгоритм дій працівників поліції під час опитування (допиту) неповнолітнього, що став жертвою насильницьких проявів uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Regulatory mechanisms of children’s rights protection at the National Police during an interview (interrogation) uk_UA
dc.type Book chapter uk_UA

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