dc.description.abstract |
The article clarified the place of tactical training among other essential components of the professionalism of the police special forces. It has been proved that the tactical training of police
officers provides them with comprehensive training of professionally coordinated actions in the implementation of operational service and service-combat tasks in conditions as close to real. Tactical training of officers of special police is a continuous learning process, aimed at improving the professional knowledge, formation of skills necessary to identify patterns of behavior and methods of action in complex situations, operational activities. This training is a
critical component of the professional skills of police and is of particular importance in time of emergency. Thanks to the tactical training is achieved by the acquisition and improvement of police
skills: collection, consolidation and analysis of information, forecasting of events, making rational management decisions; formation of moral and psychological stability to perform their
tasks in the special conditions; checking the documents of suspicious persons, and of bringing the offenders to the police, stopping and inspection of vehicles; inspection of places of possible location of the fugitives from the investigation and court, evading from execution of criminal penalties; action at detection of explosive devices and substances (including narcotics); the cessation group violations of public (social) order and mass riots; detention of offenders
(including the military, in homes and on location), both personally and as part of the dress with the lawful use of police coercive measures; suppression of unlawful actions with firearms, and
use weapons in service activities (the decision on the application and use of firearms, the selection of targets for disposal); possession of receptions of personal safety in typical and extreme situations, in the case of the violent suppression of unlawful manifestations, and also in case of accidents, disasters and other emergency situations; effective application of the basic varieties of special funds, consisting of equipping the police force, and compliance with the rules
of their operation, and the like. |