Досліджено деякі аспекти розслідування хуліганства, вчиненого з використанням вогнепальної зброї. Розглянуто організаційні і тактичні особливості проведення огляду місця події під час розслідування зазначеного кримінального правопорушення.
The scientific article is devoted illumination of some aspects of the investigation of the hooliganism, committed with firearms. Inspection of the scene is paramount and urgent investigative (investigative) action in the investigation of crimes. On the contrary, in the commission of these socially dangerous acts remains a large number of trace information, which can build version regarding the mechanism of the crime, its members, to determine the further investigative (detective) of action. Inspection of the scene is urgent investigative action aimed at direct installation, acceptance, testing and fixing conditions of the site, traces of the crime and other evidence, which together can make a detailed opinion on the nature of the mechanism and motives of the crime, offender and other circumstances, subject to proof in the investigation of bullying. Using
the sequence of actions, tactics, feasible at some point, will be key to its success. Properly chosen tactics it contributes to obtaining important evidence indicating the involvement of specified persons to commit socially dangerous acts. Tactics inspection of the site has some features that depend on the specific investigation of the situation or what looks: crime scene or the scene (section area, room or damaged homes, vehicles, fences, etc.).