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Поняття та зміст публічного адміністрування у сфері дорожньої інфраструктури

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dc.contributor.author Пархета, В.
dc.contributor.author Parkheta, V.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-04-27T20:17:38Z
dc.date.available 2022-04-27T20:17:38Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Пархета В. Поняття та зміст публічного адміністрування у сфері дорожньої інфраструктури / В. Пархета // Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2021. - № 4 (114). – С. 215-221 uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri https://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8278
dc.description The article clarifies the theoretical and legal scientific positions on the understanding of the concept of «public administration», reveals the essence and content of public administration in the field of road infrastructure. The study found that: road infrastructure should be understood as a system of roads, utilities, public and private enterprises and organizations that serve them, facilities (enterprises, institutions) engaged in repair, construction and reconstruction, and as well as operational maintenance of roads, bridges and other roads. It is determined that this concept needs to be enshrined in the Law «On Road Infrastructure», which requires development and approval, or by supplementing the Law of Ukraine «On Road Traffic» It is established that public administration in the field of road infrastructure in Ukraine should be understood as regulated by laws and other regulations of public administration, aimed at implementing laws and other regulations, including through administrative decisions, the provision of statutory administrative services for construction, repair, reconstruction, as well as maintenance of roads and road infrastructure. The features that determine the necessity and expediency of regulating public administration in the field of road infrastructure in Ukraine by the norms of administrative law, namely: 1) public administration in the field of road infrastructure is a legal and organizational form of activity of the relevant subjects of power (Ministry of Infrastructure, Ukravtodor, Ukrtransbezpeky, city council, etc.), as a means of implementing their administrative and legal status; 2) public administration in the field of road infrastructure is an administrative activity of subjects of public administration, which is carried out by providing public administration of administrative services (main activity) and implementation of executive (administrative) and control activities (additional activities), contains favorable public administration and supporting administrative proceedings related to ensuring the proper functioning of road infrastructure to ensure the realization of social and economic rights of citizens, individuals and the public interest of the state. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У статті на виконання завдань дослідження з’ясовано теоретико-правові наукові позиції щодо розуміння поняття «публічного адміністрування», розкрито сутність та зміст публічного адміністрування в сфері дорожньої інфраструктури. Наведено ознаки, що зумовлюють необхідність та доцільність регулювання публічного адміністрування у сфері дорожньої інфраструктури в Україні нормами адміністративного права uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher ДДУВС uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2021-4-215-221;
dc.subject публічне адміністрування uk_UA
dc.subject дорожня інфраструктура uk_UA
dc.subject сфера дорожньої інфраструктури uk_UA
dc.subject публічне адміністрування в сфері дорожньої інфраструктури uk_UA
dc.subject public administration uk_UA
dc.subject road infrastructure uk_UA
dc.subject road infrastructure sphere uk_UA
dc.subject public administration in road infrastructure sphere uk_UA
dc.title Поняття та зміст публічного адміністрування у сфері дорожньої інфраструктури uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Concept and content of public administration in the field of road infrastructure uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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