dc.description |
The author has considered existing approaches in modern legal science to the
classification of the concept of the act of official interpretation of law. Based on their analysis, the author
clarifies the grounds for species differentiation of formal-mandatory expression of will of public
authorities (their officials and officials), which has an informational impact on the consciousness of ablebodied subjects of law by explaining the content of law and regulations nature or some of their fragments,
as well as he has substantiated a number of new approaches to the division of the category «act of official
interpretation of law».
Refined and enriched with new approaches, the classification of the category of the act of
interpretation of the law can be reflected through a set of such judgments about the grounds for its
implementation and the variety of forms of manifestation of the studied phenomenon of legal reality:
1) according to the scope of action, the following are distinguished: a) normative interpretativelegal acts; b) casual interpretative legal acts;
2) according to the «authorship» of the rules of law that are the subject of interpretation, there are:
a) acts of authentic interpretation and b) acts of delegated (legal) interpretation;
3) according to the entities that carry out the official interpretation of the norms of law, the
following are distinguished: a) acts of state bodies; b) acts of local self-government bodies; c) acts of
officials of public authorities;
4) depending on the will of the subject of law-making, as an object of interpretation, objectified in
the norms of law, there are: a) acts in which the will of the parliament is determined; b) acts in which the
will of the head of state is clarified; c) acts in which the will of the government is interpreted, etc.;
5) due to the subject of legal regulation («sectoral» feature) thye distinguish: interpretative acts of
constitutional, civil, labor, civil procedure, criminal procedure and other branches of private and public law;
6) according to the subject of interpretation there are: a) acts of interpretation of the rules of law
(in the unity of their content and external form of expression); b) acts of interpretation of atypical legal
provisions, which are only conditionally recognized by the rules of law, because they do not constitute
rules of conduct; c) acts of interpretation of certain fragments of normative-legal prescriptions as a verbal
form of expression of legal norms; 7) according to the functions carried out in unity with normative-legal and law-enforcement acts
they distinguish: a) regulatory and b) protective interpretative-legal acts;
8) according to the method of their adoption they distinguish: a) acts of interpretation, adopted
collectively; b) acts of interpretation adopted on the basis of unanimity;
9) according to the area of its action (being) there are: a) interpretative-legal acts, which in unity
with the norms of law, the content of which is explained, extend their effect to the economic sphere;
b) interpretative-legal acts, which in unity with the norms of law, the content of which is clarified, extend
their influence on the political sphere; c) interpretative-legal acts, which in unity with the norms of law,
the content of which is clarified, extend their effect to the cultural sphere; d) interpretative legal acts that,
in accordance with the rules of law, the content of which is clarified, extend their impact on the family
sphere; e) interpretative-legal acts, which in unity with the norms of law, the content of which is clarified,
extend their effect to the environmental area;
10) depending on the territory to which they apply, it is proposed to distinguish between:
a) interpretative acts of national action; b) interpretative acts of republican action; c) interpretative acts of
local action;
11) according to the terms of validity, the acts of interpretation of legal norms are differentiated
into permanent and temporary;
12) according to the range of actors (addressees) it is proposed to distinguish between
interpretative and legal acts addressed to: a) individuals; b) legal entities; c) social communities; d) the
13) by the name (title) interpretative acts acquire the following legal forms: a) decisions;
b) resolutions; c) judgements; d) decrees, e) orders, e) information letters, etc.;
14) depending on the degree of complexity of the logical-linguistic structure of the interpretativelegal act, as a legal document, distinguish between relatively simple and quite complex acts;
15) depending on the results of legal interpretation practice, there are: a) acts of literal (adequate)
interpretation; acts of restrictive interpretation and c) acts of broadening interpretation;
16) according to the criterion of dependence on the structural element of the interpreted law, it is
proposed to distinguish: a) acts of interpretation of the hypothesis of the rule of law; b) acts of
interpretation of the disposition of the rule of law; c) acts of interpretation of the sanction of the rule of
law; d) acts of interpretation of the purpose of legal norms;
17) according to the ontological status in the national legal system, it is proposed to distinguish
the following types of the studied concept: a) the act of interpretation of legal norms, which is the
interpreter’s will, objectified in a separate legal document; b) an act of interpretation of the rules of law,
which is an expression of the will of the interpreter, objectified in the motivating part of another legal act
of a personal nature, which has a personified nature; c) an act of interpretation of the rules of law, which
in legal reality is objectified in verbal, ie verbal form;
18) залежно від того, наскільки правильно (адекватно) відображена в інтерпретаційному
акті воля суб’єкта правотворчості, запропоновано розрізняти: а) акти правильного відображення
волі суб’єкта правотворчості; б) акти, в яких неправильно відображена чи навіть викривлена воля
суб’єкта правотворчості;
18) depending on how correctly (adequately) the the law-maker’s will is reflected in the
interpretative act, it is proposed to distinguish: a) acts of correct reflection of the law-maker’s will; b) acts
in which the law-maker’s will is incorrectly reflected or even distorted;
19) depending on the role of interpretative legal acts in the development of legal conflicts, the
author considers reasonable their differentiation into such varieties; a) acts of interpretation of legal
norms that cause legal conflicts, both explanatory and law enforcement; b) acts of interpretation of legal
norms, the role of which is to overcome legal conflicts;
20) according to the method of connection with legal reality, the proposed interpretation of the
law is divided into the following types: a) positive, the presence of which increases the effectiveness of
regulations and law enforcement and b) negative, the lack of which reduces the effectiveness of
regulations acts; c) depending on the role of interpretative legal acts in the development of legal
conflicts. |
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