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Title: Public Administration and Innovation Policy in a Networked Society
Other Titles: Державне управління та інноваційна політика в мережевому суспільстві.
Authors: Suray, I.
Suprunenko, S.
Kartashova, O.
Bondar, O.
Gerashcenko, V.
Karpenko, R.
Сурай, І.
Супруненко, С.
Карташова, О.
Бондар, О.
Геращенко, В.
Карпенко, Р.
Citation: Suray I. Public Administration and Innovation Policy in a Networked Society. / I. Suray, S.Suprunenko, O. Kartashova, O. Bondar, V.Gerashcenko, R. Karpenko // International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). - 2019. - Vol. 8. - №. 4. - Р. 3604-3609
Issue Date: 2019
Keywords: Innovations
Innovation Policy
Networked Society
Public Administration
Abstract: In modern conditions of global transformations and the growth of crisis phenomena in the global economy, the question of finding and developing alternative economic models becomes urgent. As a tool for stimulating economic development and a new source of growth, innovations and the results of scientific and technological activities were chosen. This approach was theoretically developed and described at the beginning of the last century, but it has become in demand only now. The development of the innovative sector of the economy leads to the emergence of qualitatively new technologies and is non-linear. The complexity of management objects, the dynamism of innovative processes, which, in turn, transform the economy, markets, institutions, are growing. Changing management objects require new scientific theories, management technologies and tools. In this article, the author analyzes modern economic and technological trends, identifies the main scientific theories that describe these processes, identifies trends in changes in management sciences. The article discusses the classification of models of innovative development, outlines the main directions of changes in the state management of innovative development and innovative infrastructure. Based on the study, the systematic changes in the role of the state in building an innovative economy are systematized, the emerging formats of managerial structures and the institutions for the development of innovative infrastructure are described.
Appears in Collections:Бондар О.С.
Карпенко Р.В.
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