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Концепція кримінально-правової протидії корупції в Україні.

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dc.contributor.author Бондаренко, О. С.
dc.contributor.author Bondarenko, O. S.
dc.date.accessioned 2024-02-08T14:54:00Z
dc.date.available 2024-02-08T14:54:00Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Бондаренко О. С. Концепція кримінально-правової протидії корупції в Україні: автореф. дис. … канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.08 /О.С. Бондаренко ; Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ. – Дніпро, 2021. – 22 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri https://er.dduvs.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12246
dc.description.abstract У дисертації здійснено теоретичне узагальнення та надано нове вирішення наукової проблеми, що відображене в розробленні на основі аналізу існуючих наукових підходів чинного вітчизняного й зарубіжного законодавств і практики їх реалізації, комплексної науково та практично обґрунтованої концепції кримінально-правової протидії корупції в Україні, що ґрунтується на галузевому підході. Вивчено стан наукового розроблення проблеми протидії корупції; методологічні засади дослідження концепції кримінально-правової протидії корупції; категоріально-понятійні інтерпретації поняття «корупція», теоретикоприкладні підходи до класифікації корупції та сутність і принципи протидії корупції. Охарактеризовано поняття та ознаки корупційних кримінальних правопорушень; класифіковано корупційні кримінальні правопорушення на основі різних підстав; досліджено соціальну зумовленість криміналізації окремих адміністративних правопорушень, пов’язаних із корупцією. Особливу увагу приділено аналізу сутності та напрямам участі суб’єктів, уповноважених протидіяти корупції в Україні. Здійснено кримінологічну характеристику заходів протидії окремим видам корупції (політичній, економічній, судовій, освітній, медичній, спортивній та корупції в діяльності правоохоронних органів. Узагальнено зарубіжний досвід реалізації антикорупційних заходів і визначено роль для України міжнародного співробітництва у сфері протидії корупції.The thesis provides a theoretical generalization and offers a new solution to the scientific problem. This problem is to develop based on existing scientific approaches analysis, current domestic and foreign legislation, and practice of implementing a comprehensive, scientifically, and practically defensible concept of the criminal legal fight against corruption in Ukraine based on a branching approach. The object of the thesis is public relations that arise in the process of combating corruption in Ukraine. The subject of the thes is concept of criminal-legal counteraction of corruption in Ukraine. The genesis of the scientific and legal development of the notion of "corruptionfrom ancient times to the present is highlighted. Some vital scientific works were analyzed on corruption as a negative socio-economic phenomenon, the problem of combating corruption at all levels and areas, and the investigation of corruption. It was established that an essential element of the success of scientific research is the choice of the correct methodology, which would fully ensure the complexity and systematization of study and would develop such conclusions and recommendations that will be important for scientific and practical activities. It was emphasized that the phenomenon of corruption is highly complex and the notion that denotes this phenomenon. The main aspects of forming the notion of "corruption" were highlighted: historical, international, foreign, legal, and doctrinal. It is substantiated that the concept of "corruption" is interdisciplinary and widely used, as it is studied not only by specialists in the field of law, but also by sociology, political science, economics, public administration and psychology It was proposed to classify corruption on the following grounds: the pace of development, areas of implementation, frequency, sustainability, level of organization and spread of corruption, sectoral orientation, the form of expression. The essence of the concept of "anti-corruption, " a symbiotic combination of prevention and control, is described. Emphasis is placed on the justification of the position on the identification of combating corruption and anti-corruption policy. The nature of anti-corruption principles has been formed and revealed. It is proposed to divide the principles of anticorruption into general, i.e. specific to all branches of law, and special, which are specific only to anti-corruption activities and due to its specifics. The preconditions for the emergence of the notion of "criminal offense" were studied. The practicality of supplementing the anti-corruption legislation with the notion of "corruption criminal offense" was emphasized. The signs of a criminal corruption offense are thoroughly analyzed. There are several grounds for the classification of corruption offenses: by type of generic object by the organization of grouping in the note's text to Art. 45 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, for the completeness of the signs of corruption, for the subject, for the investigation. The need to criminalize three administrative offenses related to corruption has been proven. First, violation of statutory restrictions on the receipt of gifts. Second, violation of the requirements for the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest. Third, failure to take measures to combat corruption. It was found that, given the importance of the task of combating corruption, the state has developed an extensive and relatively closed system of specialized anti-corruption bodies. At the same time, certain strategic powers in the field of anti-corruption were retained by bodies of general competence (the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine). Moreover, almost all state and local government bodies have acquired specific anti-corruption competencies. The legal nature of mass media was described, and the main directions of their anti-corruption activity are named. The critical role of the public in combating corruption is revealed, which is because none of the anti-corruption measures will be successful if there is no public support during its implementation. The ability of domestic journalists to be active participants in anti-corruption reforms is confirmed by a large number of journalistic corruption investigations and high-profile revelations, which later led to the opening of criminal proceedings. The main activities of citizens in the field of anticorruption are identified. It is emphasized that the anti-corruption activities ofwhistleblowers are implemented by notifying the competent entities of possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption". It is emphasized that public organizations are a crucial anticorruption entity, which implements anti-corruption activities in five areas. Finally, the directions of counteraction to corruption by legal entities are clarified. It was given the definition, peculiarities, and types of political corruption and the essence of economic corruption. It was stressed that ensuring the proper level of combating political and economic corruption is a priority for the state, as it will promote economic growth, strengthen the role of state institutions and local governments, restore confidence in them and improve the country's image at the international level. It has been proven that corruption in the judiciary is a commonplace phenomenon that undermines the principles of the rule of law, the rule of law, equality before the courts, and the independence and impartiality of the administration of justice. Based on the analysis of the leading causes of corruption in the judiciary, measures to combat it are proposed. The main reasons are identified, and countermeasures to corruption in the activities of law enforcement agencies are proposed. Emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of combating corruption in the educational, medical, and sports fields. In particular, the essence is characterized, determinants are defined, and branch measures of counteraction are developed. Measures to prevent corruption depending on the model of its development were analyzed: European (Finland, Norway), Asian (Japan, Singapore), Anglo-American (USA, Canada). From the number of analyzed measures, some were selected that can be borrowed from domestic law enforcement. It is proposed to distinguish four approaches to the choice of punishment for corruption offenses: mild (Sweden, Denmark), moderate (UK, Germany), severe (Italy), and particularly authoritarian (USA, PRC). It is substantiated that corruption is a global problem of humankind. Therefore, controlling the level of corruption is the task of the entire world community. The central accumulation of efforts in the anti-corruption sphere takes place within the framework of international organizations. It was found out that international cooperation in the field of anti-corruption is implemented in Ukraine through the conclusion of conventions and agreements and the implementation of provisions that contain recommendations for effective anti-corruption. It is proposed to make a few changes and additions to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption", the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, the Law of Ukraine "On Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine", the Law of Ukraine "On Verkhovna Rada Committees". Regarding the amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in particular, it is proposed to update the content of the concept of "corruption criminal offense" and their list. Also, it is proposed to supplement the text of XVII "Criminal offenses in the field of official activity and professional activity related to the provision of public services" with the following rules: committing actions or decisions in a real conflict of interest (Article 364-3), failure to take measures to combat corruption (art. 367-1), intentional violation by a person of the restrictions established by law on receiving gifts (368-1). uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher ДДУВС uk_UA
dc.subject корупція uk_UA
dc.subject протидія корупції uk_UA
dc.subject корупційне кримінальне правопорушення uk_UA
dc.subject концепція кримінально-правової протидії uk_UA
dc.subject види корупції uk_UA
dc.subject суб’єкти uk_UA
dc.subject уповноважені протидіяти корупції uk_UA
dc.subject принципи протидії корупції uk_UA
dc.subject міжнародне антикорупційне співробітництво uk_UA
dc.subject corruption uk_UA
dc.subject anti-corruption uk_UA
dc.subject corruption criminal offense uk_UA
dc.subject concept of of criminal-legal counteraction uk_UA
dc.subject types of corruption uk_UA
dc.subject entities authorized to combat corruption uk_UA
dc.subject principles of anti-corruption uk_UA
dc.subject international anti-corruption cooperation uk_UA
dc.title Концепція кримінально-правової протидії корупції в Україні. uk_UA
dc.title.alternative The concept of criminal-legal counteraction of corruption in Ukraine uk_UA
dc.type Thesis uk_UA

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