Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Anisimov, D.

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28.pdf.jpg2021History of the law on criminal liability for illegal influence on the results of sports competitions in Ukraine (1845-1991)Shablystyy, V.; Anisimov, D.; Шаблистий, В.; Анісімов, Д.
61.pdf.jpg2022Physical training as a factor of professional orientation of previous youthAnisimov, D.; Buriak, А.; Laktionova, V.; Анісімов, Д.; Буряк, А.; Лактіонова, В.
8.pdf.jpg2020Social condition of criminal liability for the illegal influence on the results of official sports competitionsAnisimov, D.; Анісімов, Д.
9.pdf.jpg2024Some issues of improving the level of physical fitnessAnisimov, D.; Анісімов, Д.