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10.pdf.jpg201720 років дії в Україні Конвенції про захист прав людини та основоположних свобод: проблемні аспектиСинюта, Л.Л.
A CONCEPTUAL APPROACH TO FORMING A TRANSPORT.pdf.jpg2021A conceptual approach to forming a transport and logistics cluster as a component of the region’s innovative infrastructure (on the example of Prydniprovsky economic region of Ukraine)Liashenko, V.; Ivanov, S.; Trushkina, N.; Ляшенко, В.; Іванов, С.; Трушкіна, Н.
СТАТТЯ_ж. VE_Vol. 4. No. 1_2021.pdf.jpg2021A conceptual approach to forming a transport and logistics cluster as a component of the region’s innovative infrastructure (on the example of prydniprovsky economic region of Ukraine)Liashenko, V.; Ivanov, S.; Trushkina, N.; Ляшенко, В.; Іванов, С.; Трушкіна, Н.
17.pdf.jpg2022A farewell to arms… або зброю кожному?Плахотний, А.
17.pdf.jpg2021A Review of Anti-Dissent Laws in India, Pakistan and BangladeshUmar, M.; Умар, М.
50.pdf.jpg2019A simple sentence in the legal documentationPodriz, D.; Tsymbal, А.; Kuzmenko, А.
91.pdf.jpg2022About modern definitions of the rule of lawVarava, V.V.; Dehtyar, D.O.; Варава, В.В.; Дегтяр, Д.О.
7.pdf.jpg2023Academic Entrepreneurship: Systematic Review of the Literature and Aagenda for Further ResearchLigonenko, Larysa; Hrytsiak, Lesia; Лігоненко, Лариса; Грицяк, Леся
12.pdf.jpg2022Access to justice: approaches to interpretationVerba, I.; Верба, І.
colmono_ISMA_DSUIA_law_квітень_2024.pdf.jpg2024Activities of law enforcement agencies to ensure public safety and order during the legal regime of martial lawBondar, O.S.; Burak, M.V.; Bolistoska, D.D.; Darahan, V.V.; Kyselov, A.O.; Kopylov, E.V.; Denysenko, S.I.; Drok, I.S.; Kobzar, O.F.; Romanov, M.Yu.; Kononets, V.P.; Bohuslavsky, M.G.; Lohvynenko, B.O.; Molchanov, R.Y.; Mendzhul, M.V.; Mulesa, O.Yu.; Myroniuk, R.V.; Myroniuk, S.A.; Morgunov, O.A.; Opatsky, R.M.; Derevianko, K.V.; Deviatkina, N.M.; Pikulia, T.A.; Pokaichuk, V.Ya.; Tinin, D.G.; Zavistovskyi, O.D.; Rezvorovych, K.R.; Yunina, M.P.; Rohalska, V.V.; Sanakoiev, D.B.; Rudenko, A.V.; Rufanova, V.M.; Korohod, S.V.; Savenko, V.P.; Chorna, A.H.; Stupnyk, Ya.V.; Tytarenko, O.O.; Kryachko, O.I.; Chaplynskyi, K.O.; Volikov, T.A.; Yefimov, M.M.; Shablystyi, V.V.; Shevchenko, S.I.; Berezniak, V.S.; Yunin, O.S.; Sobakar, A.O.; Nestertsova-Sobakar, O.V.
13.pdf.jpg2020Activities of the National police as a subject of ensuring prevention of offenses In the field of illegal trafficking of drug substances and their substancesChaus, A.; Чаус, А.
5.pdf.jpg2022Actual issues of leadership and vision for long-term successKonovalov, O.; Коновалов, О.
12.pdf.jpg2022Actual issues of real estate developmentGalushko, O.; Cioban, G.; Галушко, О.; Чобану, Г.
51.pdf.jpg2020Actual problems of legal terminology developmentПопенко, Ю.К.
1.pdf.jpg2023Actual problems of the state language under martial lawАнісімов, Дмитро
74.pdf.jpg2024Actual problems regarding the nature of personal non-property rightsPoltavets, T.; Karpenko, R.
34.pdf.jpg2019Adaptation of studentes to self-employed physical training classes in the conditions of higher educationPrykhodko, V.; Bohuslavskyy, V.; Dishchenko, D.; Приходько, В.І.; Богуславський, В.В.; Діщенко, Д.В.
43.pdf.jpg2021Adequate behavior and high culture as a prerequisite for the formation of youth healthHryban, V.; Khmel-Dunay, H.; Khmel, O.; Hryban, M.; Грибан, В.; Хмель-Дунай, Г.; Хмель, О.; Грибан, М.
14.pdf.jpg2021Administrative and legal mechanisms of restriction of citizens' rights to information in the interest of national securityKudinov, S.; Shynkar, T.; Кудінов, С.; Шинкар, Т.
3.pdf.jpg2022Administrative and legal provision of state control over humanitarian aidHolobutovskyi, Roman; Голобутовський, Роман