Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми mental health

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14.pdf.jpg2023Harnessing kettlebell training for mental health enhancement: a novel approach to cultivating wellbeing in adultsNithin, B. S.; Ibnu Noufal, K. V.; Нітін, Б. С.; Ібну Нуфаль, К. В.
96.pdf.jpg2021Organization of psychological support of the police, officers of the National Police of Ukraine and cadets (listeners) of higher education institutions with specific learning environment: features legislative regulationNedria, K.; Mitchenko, K.; Недря, К.; Мітченко, К.
10.pdf.jpg2024Проблеми діагностики психічного здоров’яШинкаренко, І.; Shinkarenko, І.
3.pdf.jpg2024Тhe formation of a culture of care for mental health as a component of the personality of a ukrainian in the conditions of warKornienko, V.; Корнієнко, В.