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colmono_ISMA_DSUIA_law_квітень_2024.pdf.jpg2024Activities of law enforcement agencies to ensure public safety and order during the legal regime of martial lawBondar, O.S.; Burak, M.V.; Bolistoska, D.D.; Darahan, V.V.; Kyselov, A.O.; Kopylov, E.V.; Denysenko, S.I.; Drok, I.S.; Kobzar, O.F.; Romanov, M.Yu.; Kononets, V.P.; Bohuslavsky, M.G.; Lohvynenko, B.O.; Molchanov, R.Y.; Mendzhul, M.V.; Mulesa, O.Yu.; Myroniuk, R.V.; Myroniuk, S.A.; Morgunov, O.A.; Opatsky, R.M.; Derevianko, K.V.; Deviatkina, N.M.; Pikulia, T.A.; Pokaichuk, V.Ya.; Tinin, D.G.; Zavistovskyi, O.D.; Rezvorovych, K.R.; Yunina, M.P.; Rohalska, V.V.; Sanakoiev, D.B.; Rudenko, A.V.; Rufanova, V.M.; Korohod, S.V.; Savenko, V.P.; Chorna, A.H.; Stupnyk, Ya.V.; Tytarenko, O.O.; Kryachko, O.I.; Chaplynskyi, K.O.; Volikov, T.A.; Yefimov, M.M.; Shablystyi, V.V.; Shevchenko, S.I.; Berezniak, V.S.; Yunin, O.S.; Sobakar, A.O.; Nestertsova-Sobakar, O.V.
1.pdf.jpg2023Actual problems of the state language under martial lawАнісімов, Дмитро
9.pdf.jpg2023Certain aspects of the implementation of preventive measures when investigating frauds on the Іnternet during marital state in UkraineЄфімов, М. М.
284.pdf.jpg2024Current changes in police training under martial law in UkraineSamoilova, Y.
50.pdf.jpg2022Didactic aspects of distance learning in the conditions of pandemic and martial lawGalushko, Olena; Kovalenko-Marchenkova, Yevheniia; Chistyakov, Volodymyr; Галушко, Олена; Коваленко-Марченкова, Євгенія; Чистяков, Володимир
3.pdf.jpg2022Ensuring the right to housing of internally displaced persons: regulatory and institutional aspectsNalyvaiko, Larysa; Korshun, Anna; Наливайко, Лариса; Коршун, Анна
176.pdf.jpg2024Features of combatting cybercrime under martial lawСолдатенко, А. В.; Галенко, Ю. П.
43.pdf.jpg2022Features of the conduct search under the conditions of the state of warSoldatenko, Olena; Kіiyanytsіa, Volodymyr; Солдатенко, Олена; Кияниця, Володимир
49.pdf.jpg2023Improvement of regulatory and legal regulation of the security sphere of Ukraine in the conditions of military aggressionКрижна, А. Є.
9.pdf.jpg2023Law and economy are two interrelated fieldsЛізут, Рафал
20.pdf.jpg2023Problems of Access to Justice and Legal Assistance of Internally Displaced PersonsNalyvaiko, Larysa; McGee, Robert; Наливайко, Лариса; МакГі, Роберт
51.pdf.jpg2023Psychological well-being as a sustainable development goal in the conditions of warKetler-Mytnytska, Tetiana; Кетлер-Митницька, Тетяна
114.pdf.jpg2024Shift to human rights values in business relations as a new normal for Ukraine and international communitySanchenko, A.
1.pdf.jpg2022Social policy and social protection in EU countries: current status and trendsNalyvaiko, Larysa; Наливайко, Лариса
1.pdf.jpg2023Some issues of ensuring human rights by law enforcement officers in the current situationAnisimov, Dmytro; Анісімов, Дмитро
69.pdf.jpg2024The impact of russian federation's armed aggression on property and owners' rights: protecting the legal interests of Ukrainian citizens in occupied and de-occupied territoriesRezvorovych, K. R.
71.pdf.jpg2024The impact of war on the legal regulation of economic relations in UkraineКуліш, Кирило; Мирошниченко, Наталія
172.pdf.jpg2024Ukrainian army: gender aspectTkachenko, D.О.; Nikitina, I.P.
11.pdf.jpg2023Visual politics, emotions, and ukrainian collective power; us ukrainians (attacked) vs. them russians (aggressors)Hadžić, Faruk; Хаджич, Фарук
20.pdf.jpg2022Адміністративна відповідальність громадян за вчинення правопорушень в умовах воєнного стануГудим, І.; Арцебарська, О.