Showing results 1 to 20 of 178
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2020 | Algorithms of actions of law enforcement officers in the investigation of mass riots | Lisnyak, A.; Лісняк, А. |
| 2022 | Characteristic of the further stage of the investigation of thefts from private houses | Pyrih, Ihor; Пиріг, Ігор |
| 2023 | Conduct of simultaneous interrogation of previously interrogated persons during the investigation of criminal offenses against morality: directions of improvement | Yefimov, M.М.; Єфімов, М. М. |
| 2022 | Coordination of the activities of bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine during disclosure and investigation of criminal offenses | Chaplynskyy, Kostyantyn; Чаплинський, Костянтин |
| 2019 | Criminal identity as an element of forensic description of criminal offenses | Chaplynska, Yu.; Чаплинська, Ю.О. |
| 2019 | Criminal provision of an examination during the investigation of citizen's luggage theft committed at the airport | Senko, A.; Сенько, А.В. |
| 2022 | Features of the conduct search under the conditions of the state of war | Soldatenko, Olena; Kіiyanytsіa, Volodymyr; Солдатенко, Олена; Кияниця, Володимир |
| 2020 | Interaction of the investigator with knowledgeable persons during expert research | Shapovalov, D.; Шаповалов, Д. |
| 2020 | Interaction of the investigator with the specialists during the presidency investigation | Scutt, A. |
| 2020 | Operational investigative support of searches | Obshalov, S.; Обшалов, С. |
| 2023 | Peculiarities of conducting procedural actions before entering data into the unified register of pre-trial investigations in terms of problematic aspects of the modern time | Lazareva, Dariia; Kessariiskyi, Oleksii; Лазарева, Дарія; Кессарійський, Олексій |
| 2021 | Preparation for the questioning of a minor as a condition for its effective conduc | Chepeljak, K.V.; Чепеляк, К.В. |
| 2020 | Preparatory stage of the interrogation in the investigation of group violation of public order | Usatkin, D.; Усаткін, Д. |
| 2021 | Problems of leading questions in interrogation tactics | Pyanichuk, M.; Pavlova, N.; П'яничук, М.; Павлова, Н. |
| 2021 | Scientific debates on the preventive activities of authorized persons as part of the methodology for investigating criminal offences against morality | Yefimov, M.; Omarov, Y.; Єфімов, М.; Омаров, Є. |
| 2018 | Some aspects of investigation of apartment thefts committed by previously convicted persons | Kuzmenko, A.; Кузьменко, А. |
| 2020 | Structural-logical model of the strategy of operational-search combatting criminal offenses (economic crimes) in agrarian complex of Ukraine | Yefimov, V.; Єфімов, В. |
| 2021 | Tactical features of interrogation of juvenile suspects (accused) | Smirnov, D.V.; Смірнов, Д.В. |
| 2017 | Актуальні питання забезпечення безпеки свідків і потерпілих при розслідуванні незаконного позбавлення волі та викрадення людини, вчиненого організованою групою | Д’яковський, Г.Л. |
| 2022 | Актуальні питання щодо проведення слідчих (розшукових) дій на підставі ухвали слідчого судді під час воєнного стану | Кіяниця, Володимир; Kiyanytsya, Volodymyr |